Punk Rock Steve
07-05-2008, 02:06 AM
Hello anyone who's out there right now. It's about quarter to four in the morning right now and about an hour ago I had a full blown panic attack...that'll teach me for having one more late night cup of coffee :) I really thought that I was about to have "the big one", a massive heart attack. Just started to nod out and maybe did, when I had this electric shock burning sensation in my chest that radiated out. Lasted all of two seconds....NO sharp pain in my chest, arm or jaw, no nausea, no excessive sweating (see...I have my heart attack symptoms tattooed in my head)....but it made me jump out of the chair, let out a yell, and go running into the next room. It was like "Sh*t! This is it!" Then it was full steam ahead for the usual symptoms I get when having one of these....breathing issues, the jitters and shakes, a bit dizzy and wobbly when I walked, numbness and tingling in extremities, brain fog, and much more. Took a xanax, had a cigarette, went outside and walked a little and prayed, and then talked to my 20 year old son who was still awake. Gradually I got a bit better and didn't have any chest discomfort or pain what so ever after the initial awakening I had. For a short time I thought that at 54 years old, it was all over, but I know now that I had one of my worst panic attacks. I had too much coffee today and I have a feeling that the last one triggered it. I have severe anxiety pretty much 24/7, but I have only had maybe 5....well maybe make that 10...or maybe a few more severe panic attacks in my life. This one almost sent me to the emergency room, which by the way I fear going to as well, which is what kept me from going there. I probably sound like a nut case right now, but I know I'm in the right place right now sharing this on this forum. Anyway, I'm doing better now, just mainly exhausted. Breathing better and less foggy. Writing this helped me too and maybe it'll help someone else too.

07-06-2008, 06:26 PM
regards from NJ too ;)

I can relate, I ended up actually in emergency rooms once few months ago thinking I had something with heart, but since I know now my heart is fine my panic attack changed its form into strange tingling, weakness in legs, waves of weird crawly feeling etc :shock:

Punk Rock Steve
07-06-2008, 07:11 PM
Thanks for your post Motif. I ended up nodding out at 5 A.M. and slept till 11. Was still a bit shaky, but no chest discomfort; so I'm totally convinced it was a severe panic attack. Last night I went and played with my band at a club in Clifton and had a great time...totally got me out of myself, and forgot for 4 or 5 hours about the panic attack AND my overall anxiety. Mowed the lawn today with no ill effects. Tuesday, I go to my shrink and I think I'm going to have to go on something else besides Xanax, at least for a short time. Hate to be on too many medications...but right now I've gotta do what I've gotta do :)

07-06-2008, 08:27 PM
that's interesting Steve, I play too a little :)
They say musicians and artists in general are much more prone to anxiety problems because of their sensibility...