View Full Version : having health anxiety

10-21-2014, 12:07 PM
My anxiety has been higher lately because there's been talk in my household of a potential move. Which freaks me out. But the past couple of days I've really been managing it well. I've actually been praying, which I usually don't, and it's helped.
I know there's already been a post about ebola(i hate even saying the word)
I've had a hard time starting conversations about it because of fear. I just text my fiance saying it makes me nervous. I just threw it out there, thinking he'd say I didn't need to be worried. But he didn't say that, so now I'm worried. I really hope that someone can respond to this giving me much needed reassurance. If you have something to say that would do anything other than that, please refrain.

10-21-2014, 07:31 PM
Unless you're moving to Africa, you should be in pretty good shape

A few cases here in the US in Dallas so dont move there either

Just don't move there for that reason and the fact that the Cowboys always choke in the playoffs

No need to worry but normal for the anxious soul to worry

Understand its your anxiety that is worried, not the real you

10-21-2014, 08:02 PM
brittany worrying about it does not help, you can not change the fact that it exist. I would think everyone is scared, I wanted to add something but it could be causing even more nervousness. Just try to relax, and look who is here? Our lovely Nixonnnnnnnnnnnnnnn:))