View Full Version : I am losing it, really. i need help with a few questions. slurred speech, twitching..

10-18-2014, 09:11 PM
so this is my second post, and i am reaching a breaking point. i need your help, please.

i had a couple of stressful days at work about 2 months ago...really stressful.
came home, and thats when it all began: twitching, internal limb vibrations, RLS type of sensations, short of breath, pounding heart...and the one that has me really stressed out, slurred speech!

i have been, sporadically, mispronouncing words, sentences, and stuff like that. an example, i meant to say facebook, but what came out was fthbuk. another one was, i meant to say 'do your socks match?, but what came out was "do yoo thocks matth?'

my questions are:

Can stress, after two months, still be affecting me this way, even though i no longer feel the level of stress i did when it all began?

does stress cause speech slurs, and mispronunciations?

have any of you felt this, or experienced this before (please be as detailed as possible)?

i also get a lump in my throat, thirsty, and twitching...mainly in my left arm.

10-19-2014, 03:37 AM
It sounds like you need to get in to see a doctor.
There could be any number of things going on here besides stress from an event at work, 2 months ago.
Yes, stress and anxiety can cause all sorts of physical symptoms and reactions including everything you've listed.
I have had many of the same symptoms and it was diagnosed as ataxia. Linked to some other issues that I have, plus stress, plus anxiety.
Get in to see a doctor before it gets any worse. Take some control now friend.


10-19-2014, 03:23 PM
Mabey you are getting MS? Its like the guy from Hollywood got, Michael J Fox???

10-19-2014, 04:55 PM
Blue you are causing a lot of torment for people here. What is going on? Maybe you should stop it. You started to cause health anxiety for me too, and I am kind of tough

10-19-2014, 10:49 PM
Blue rose, you should not be suggesting anxiety inducing thoughts as answers for people whom have high anxiety levels...