View Full Version : Health anxiety spiking !

10-17-2014, 04:31 AM
Hi all
it's been a blissfull few months where I haven't been here, because my health anxiety has been better. A lot better. But last week I had to quit my job becuase I was stressed out (one problem follows when another disappears?)

Anyway, this wednesday I woke up and accidentally stroke my right leg and there was a lump. Not a boil or a small moveable knot, but a lump.

And my mind is racing towards cancer and I'm SO scared! I have a doctor's appointment next week (thank god) , but I'm not sure how to keep it together till then?!

I'm going on a yogaworkshop in 2 hours and I've really been looking forward to it, but now I'm so ruined with worry that I don't know if I can make it. I'm absolutely scared sick!!

Does anyone have a quick fix (that doesn't include medication) to help me acutally go to the workshop and to hold myself together this next week before I can see the doctor? Please HELP!