View Full Version : OCD Sufferers, what was your first obsession...

10-16-2014, 02:37 PM
Mine was at age 12 in 1992, as a sixth grader, worrying that I was possibly gay. It was agonizing. Since then I have had several manifestations of OCD, mostly of the Pure-Obsessional variety (philosophical, religious questions, scientific questions, etc). What about you?

10-16-2014, 02:59 PM
I think I've got the definition of OCD wrong here? So a 'obsessive' nature when doing philosophy is OCD-like?
If that's the case then certainly I've got OCD

10-16-2014, 03:02 PM
I think I've got the definition of OCD wrong here? So a 'obsessive' nature when doing philosophy is OCD-like?
If that's the case then certainly I've got OCD

Joe, what I'm referring to are obsessions based around philosophical questions for which there is no answer.

10-16-2014, 03:31 PM
That's me.
Wrote a long essay on God, 'nothing, and what it is to exist.
Also intent to write a existentialist style essay
Joe, what I'm referring to are obsessions based around philosophical questions for which there is no answer.

10-16-2014, 04:05 PM
That's me.
Wrote a long essay on God, 'nothing, and what it is to exist.
Also intent to write a existentialist style essay

Would you say philosophical questions are an obsession?

10-16-2014, 04:14 PM
I would say they have been in the past, in dark times when I'd get panic attacks everyday I would just write for hours on this stuff.
Now it's just a keen interest.

Would you say philosophical questions are an obsession?

10-16-2014, 05:48 PM
I would say they have been in the past, in dark times when I'd get panic attacks everyday I would just write for hours on this stuff.
Now it's just a keen interest.

Thanks, Joe. I once had a particular philosophical conundrum go through my head for weeks to the point that I couldn't even think straight. I was unbearable to be around I was so depressed and sad. I try to keep on guard because it can happen again and all it takes is feeding the beast with more attention.

10-16-2014, 10:59 PM
Good question. I think mine was to do with my swallowing. Very young too. Single figure age.

I had the philosophical thoughts at about 5 but I guess they were more depression based. Other kids were thinking about toys, me about the amount of time we were gonna be dead for. It's a fun life, huh? :)

10-16-2014, 11:09 PM
My first obsessions were of the harm variety. Still are, but now that I think about it, I've dealt with sexual and religious too.

10-17-2014, 09:56 AM
Good question. I think mine was to do with my swallowing. Very young too. Single figure age.

I had the philosophical thoughts at about 5 but I guess they were more depression based. Other kids were thinking about toys, me about the amount of time we were gonna be dead for. It's a fun life, huh? :)

I remember them getting even crazier as I got older. My twin remembers me trying to walk around shadows when we were about 14. She said she could remember how miserable and agitated I seemed. She also remembers me laying on the floor the autumn of my freshman year in high school saying I wished I were dead. I don't recall that at all, but because I didn't know that it was OCD at the time, I can understand why I said that.