View Full Version : SSRI + Passiflora Question

07-01-2008, 04:33 AM
Hi all.
I've been suffering from anxiety for a while now since I was involved in an accident. I've been diagnosed with an acute anxiety episode because of the accident and a predisposition to be anxious anyway. I started taking Lexapro 5mg on saturday. Until friday I had been taking Passiflora tincture in water and yesterday I found out that it contains small amounts of MAOI which is contra-indicated to SSRI's. I was wondering if anyone knows if it's possible to get serotonin syndrome from this? Or would I have already developed it as I believe the onset occurs rapidly after mixing medications? It's my first time on anti-depressants so not really sure abotu side effects and stuff. I couldn't sleep on sunday night and was very agitated and panicky but haven't been as bad since - could this be related? Just curious if I should stop taking the Lexapro and wait two weeks as it says on the leaflet or are the levels of MAOI in Passiflora too low to really matter? Any help would be appreciated!