View Full Version : Functional Dyspepsia, anyone?

Two One
10-07-2014, 10:18 AM
It's well known that anxiety can cause a host of digestive issues, but lately mine have gotten out of hand. These past five days I've only managed to eat one meal each day. I can be hungry right before I eat with my stomach growling and everything but as soon as I eat... I suffer awful bloating, and the food feels like it's just sitting there in my stomach. It feels as if I'm not digesting my food at all. There's also some mild nausea, and this bothers me as an emetophobic but I don't understand how I can feel hungry and then feel so awful once I do. It's awful, and it is causing me a lot of anxiety about eating now. I also find myself being bothered by a gnawing pain in my upper left abdomen and constant belching. Now, one would think I'm presenting myself with ulcer symptoms, well I had these same symptoms from about April 2013 - July 2013 and I was tested for about every gastrointestinal disorder known to man and - nothing. So, before I go spending thousands of dollars again I was wondering if anyone else suffers from these symptoms or if anyone has been told they have functional dyspepsia.

Functional dyspepsia is one of the GI disorders that is related to anxiety so I'm wondering I have it or what.