View Full Version : Just Joined

10-07-2014, 08:20 AM
Hey everyone! So I've really never been suffering from anxiety until this last month. At the beginning of this month I got hit with a headache lasting about 10 days. Doctor Google and I came up with me having a brain tumor so i went to about three doctors and it just got worse with pains all in my body. Eventually they went away and for a week i was good. Then i started getting a pain in my shoulder for a couple days and went on the internet looking at ALS and I'm still scared. Now everything i do i judge. I focus if i laugh to much or if my reflexes are too much. I still have pain in the back of my neck an in my shoulders but its not to the point where i cant move i also have some jaw pain and muscle twitches and a lump in my throat making making me have to swallow twice. I also looked at a the bulbar onset which starts usually with slurring of words which i do slur my words a little bit and my friends notice a little slur but nothing thats changed recently so i really focus on that as well. I've been to my doctor 3 times and I have also been to emerge 3 times and going for a physical this Friday. So far every doctor said I was fine with a 99.9%chance of als (because they can't say 100). I also am concentrating on my breathing and i feel a really tight pressure on my chest its been going on for a while now and was just wondering is this normal for anxiety? Also any tips to help get my mind off these things... like im only 18 and thinking about cancer and ALS and all that and just want it to stop. It's effecting a lot of my relationships. Sorry for the long story