View Full Version : Newbie

10-06-2014, 04:43 PM
Hello. I think I posted here before.? I'm so glad I came back. I'm having a real hard time dealing with anxiety and I'm having panic attacks. My daughters been having female problems since the birth of her baby. I'm one of those people who over analyze and overthink every symptom she has. I have a not at the pit of my stomach. A lump in my throat. I'm just checking everything after the doctor said everything was ok. I'm consistently in a panic.. Someone please help me. I'm praying everyday. Everynight. I don't know what else to do. Is anyone else. going through this right now?

10-06-2014, 07:41 PM
Hey Mearl. Welcome to our corner of the universe. Lots of us worry about stuff more than we should. It is hard. But I'm sure your daughter and the baby will be fine. I hope you can get some peace and enjoy the new addition to your family! Best wishes to you.