View Full Version : anxiety causing low blood sugar causing anxiety

10-02-2014, 02:57 PM
I wake up this morning not feeling the best, and when I don't feel well I don't eat. Well today that strategy has been my enemy. I waited too long to eat first meal of the day... causing me to feel ill. I didn't sleep well which also factors into blood sugar and anxiety. I now realize I didn't eat well yesterday. Stupid me. :( I don't believe I'm hypoglycemic, I just need better eating habits. Anxiety makes me lose my appetite. Any suggestions of food, preferably for breakfast I can eat that's easy on the stomach but not empty carbs or dairy??

10-03-2014, 04:52 AM
I have the same problem and a glass of orange juice is my remedy.
My Father has the same issue too and juice takes care of it.
I just learned that my youngest daughter has the same issue as well last weekend, she blacked out in a store, left her wallet there. She hadn't eaten before she left. Low blood sugar.
You can even water it down abit if it's too tough on your stomach.
Take care Brittany!

E-Man :)

10-03-2014, 09:33 AM
I wake up this morning not feeling the best, and when I don't feel well I don't eat. Well today that strategy has been my enemy. I waited too long to eat first meal of the day... causing me to feel ill. I didn't sleep well which also factors into blood sugar and anxiety. I now realize I didn't eat well yesterday. Stupid me. :( I don't believe I'm hypoglycemic, I just need better eating habits. Anxiety makes me lose my appetite. Any suggestions of food, preferably for breakfast I can eat that's easy on the stomach but not empty carbs or dairy??

I would get a high quality protein mix and drink it. A meal replacement is good. I like Garden of Life products. You can mix it with almond milk instead of milk.

10-03-2014, 12:33 PM
I would get a high quality protein mix and drink it. A meal replacement is good. I like Garden of Life products. You can mix it with almond milk instead of milk.

I do have spirulina( sp? ) protein drinks... I also have garden of life raw smoothie mix. My only issue is in the morning sugar doesn't agree with my stomach, causes cramping. Even though those drinks are packed with other much needed nutrients, I don't know if they'll sit well with me for breakfast.

10-03-2014, 12:46 PM
I do have spirulina( sp? ) protein drinks... I also have garden of life raw smoothie mix. My only issue is in the morning sugar doesn't agree with my stomach, causes cramping. Even though those drinks are packed with other much needed nutrients, I don't know if they'll sit well with me for breakfast.

Hmm... hard boiled egg, egg, piece of turkey, spoon of almond butter...

10-03-2014, 03:30 PM
Hmm... hard boiled egg, egg, piece of turkey, spoon of almond butter...

So I tried the smoothie... apparently the powder doesn't have as much sugar as I thought, and with unsweetened almond milk it seems it will work out. I do the hard boiled eggs pretty often, I just get tired of it after a while. Thank you for the input, I appreciate it. :)

10-03-2014, 03:37 PM
So I tried the smoothie... apparently the powder doesn't have as much sugar as I thought, and with unsweetened almond milk it seems it will work out. I do the hard boiled eggs pretty often, I just get tired of it after a while. Thank you for the input, I appreciate it. :)

That is great! : )