View Full Version : Please help with diagnosis!

09-29-2014, 01:27 PM
Hi all, this is my first post and I havent introduced myself yet but I would like to get straight to the point.

Im 16 years old, male and have a good family/social life. Average at sports but academics are my strong point.
So here's my issue. As with alot of teenagers I started experementing with drugs - weed. Had a few puffs from a friend and everything fine, just relaxed. A few weeks later same story, few puffs and just a nice relaxed state. Some time later I decided im going to take morw than a few drags, alot more. So I did this, held my hits for long etc. Within minutes it hit me, the highest Ive ever been. Everything was still fine at this point. Went and sat down and watched a movie. After about 10minutes after I finnished smoking I felt an intense "rush" accompanied by a racing heart. I had to leave the room and went to my bed and laid down. This was my first intense panic attack. The attacks came in waves - everytime I thought the attack was over, a few moments later I would get another one. So they carried on for an hour with decreased intensity after each attack. I eventually fell asleep and the next morning I was perfect, no issues NOTHING.

So 2 weeks back I decided to take some of my friends Ritalin to help me study. I took about 4mg. This was at about 8pm. After about 30mins I got a panic attack and had to go outside and take a walk/breathe etc. I mnaged to control myself but I was constantly on the verge of having another attack. I concentrated realy hard not to and luckily after about another hour I was feeling normal again, just with a bit of tension/anxiousness. Went to bed at 11h30pm'ish. This is when things went horribly bad. Laid im bed for a while tossing and turning when suddenly panic attack after panic attack starts, or more like a constant, streched out panic attack. My vision was foggy, trembling hands, numb legs, extremely pale, heart racing, nausea and frequent urination. I only slept about 2 hours that night. When I woke up at 5am I was still havibg anxious thoughts feelings all pretty bad just not as intense earlier the night/mornimg. Later the day I was able to get in some sleep but it wasnt consistent sleeping, it was wake-sleep, wake-sleep kinda thing.

The folowing few days I was still getting an "anxious rush" but not a full blown panic attack. The thing that has been left behind though is this awful brain fog, dreamy, stoned, spaced out, drunk kind of feeling. Realy freaked me out in the start and I think that caused me to freak out some times. Its been with me now for 2 weeks. I wouldnt be surprised if I had to wake up now to a hospital bed and this was all just realiatic dreaming while being in a coma - thats the kind of feeling. Ive gotten pretty used to this feeling now and I beleive its something called derealization. Its gets bad when I keep quiet and get absorbed in my own thoughts. I feel real stoned and that causes anxious feelings and an anxious/panic rush thay last lke 3seconds each.That feeling you get when you unsuspectedly step in a hole while walking, sort off like that. One night I had a bit of insomnia, constantly felts anxious like I had my final exam the next day. I just want to know whats honestly wrong with me. Have I suddenly contracted hyperthyroidism, PTSD, anxiety disorder, panic disorder (even though I havent gotten a panic attack in a while)?

So to sum up my symptoms:

Constant derealization (some dizziness, stoned, floating, feeling)
Anxiousness triggered by loud music or visual disturbances (for example - scrolling to fast down a page on my fone etc)

Ive been to a psychiatrist and he said he thinks the panic attack was due to overstimulation but he couldn't explain the stoned feeling, said I must stop worrying so much?????

Please help I need a diagnosis so I can sort this out please :( ...

09-30-2014, 06:05 AM
So here's my issue. - weed. the highest Ive ever been. "rush" accompanied by a racing heart. This was my first intense panic attack. Ritalin to help me study. I took about 4mg. (anxious thoughts feelings all pretty bad) The thing that has been left behind though is this awful brain fog, dreamy, stoned, spaced out, drunk kind of feeling. Its been with me now for 2 weeks. something called derealization. Its gets bad when I keep quiet and get absorbed in my own thoughts. (That feeling you get when you unsuspectedly step in a hole while walking) Have I suddenly contracted hyperthyroidism, PTSD, anxiety disorder, panic disorder (even though I havent gotten a panic attack in a while)? Ive been to a psychiatrist and he said he thinks the panic attack was due to overstimulation but he couldn't explain the stoned feeling, ((said I must stop worrying so much!))

You feel this way because you "think" that the weed or the Ritalin has something to do with how you feel now, the "triggers".
As long as you know that it was actually weed and not Spice, then there is no long term effects. I think that weed is actually quite harmless in itself, beneficial in certain cases, and should be legalized everywhere rather than spending billions of dollars to fight it as we do in America.
Certain people do get intensified anxiety after using marijuana and I was always one of them, that's why I don't use it. (30 years ago)
I also take Ritalin daily. 60mg. Again, no real chance of any long term effects from using 4mg of Ritalin one time, to study for a test.
Did you tell the Psychiatrist why you feel this way all the time? Did you tell him about the weed and Ritalin? Or drug experimenting?
You ARE doing this to yourself, with your own mind, thoughts, feelings.. the drugs created an uneasy feeling that you think is now a possible permanently damaging effect.
You feel "guilty" about it too. Like you've done something (doesn't matter what it may be) wrong.
So, quit worrying about it and don't do it anymore. Your Psychiatrist is right, even if he doesn't really know why you're so worried.
You haven't suddenly contracted anything, except a distorted conscience.
Take care friend!

E-Man :)

09-30-2014, 08:48 AM
E-Man is correct in what he has said. The feeling you got after your 3rd time of getting stoned is called tachycardia and it happens to some weed smokers. The weed these days has become very strong and you should wait until your brain is fully developed to even smoke it ( in my opinion ). The weed buzz is short lived the rest of what you are feeling is your mind running away with it. Make sense?