View Full Version : just switched to .5 lorezapam from1 mg konopin can anyone help

09-28-2014, 01:42 PM
I just switched from 1 mg kilonopin to .5 lorazepam. I'm afraid I messed up switching. I've been on vslum 5 mg. Kolonopin 1 mg and now . 5 lorazepam. I switched bc my med stopped working after a while n my mom takes lorezapam 1 mg. And it worked perfect for me but I tried to tell my Dr. To put me on one mg. N she would only give me .5 I have to take two so it will work for me but I'm afraid I will run out early. I have a high tolerance for all meds. Is .5 stronger then 2 mg of kolonopin n 5 mg valium. I've looked at the charts but I need a clear answer from someone bc the charts r not answering my question clearly e Pugh. Please do help. Thank u

09-28-2014, 02:59 PM
It would be nice to have a post without using short forms. We are on forum, and welcome to the forum. I mean not disrespect but how old are you and why your nick is your email address? It is not safe my dear:))
it seems that you tried a lot of benzos, not good. Anyway you will find the answers if you search the forum, the medication subforum.