View Full Version : new with question

06-25-2008, 12:52 PM
Hi everyone...I have been online for two weeks and finally think I have figured myself out.
I really feel like I have chronic anxiety and physically it is wearing me out.
For over two weeks I have had horrible flu like aching in my arms and legs..backache and dizziness.
I wake up in the middle of the night with symptoms..almost like my body cant rest without thinking about it in my sleep..
On top of that I have to go to my OBGYN on Friday because I have been having UTI symptoms and pressure "down there" and the antibiotics haven't worked. One more thing to worry about...ugh.
I was wondering if any of you have the flu like aching or stomach weakness...when I put pressure on it, it feels so weak...like it is going to cave in.
Are the symptoms supposed to last this long...there has been no let down of it yet...two wks yesterday, all day.
Is it something that stays until the anxiety has been taken care of?
I looked into wellness classes at my local hospital...yoga, etc.

06-25-2008, 09:10 PM
wow it's great your looking after yourself. i my self go through periods of constant anxiety. i get the all the achs and pains, feeling sick. not been able to sleep.
you should try canberry jucie, it helps clear out bacteria in your bladder, i my self havr found it very good.