View Full Version : The only time I dont have anxiety is at night

09-16-2014, 08:26 PM
When I wake up I get this nervousy chest feeling, then I get super anxious throughout the day with my heart rate around 90-120 bpm and palpitations and restlessness. Then right around 8pm-ish I finally start feeling relaxed and relief with a heart rate of like 55. It's like this pretty much everyday. Does anyone else have anxiety like this? I lost my job and band due to GAD but at least I can sleep at night which is nice haha.

09-17-2014, 12:21 AM
When I wake up I get this nervousy chest feeling, then I get super anxious throughout the day with my heart rate around 90-120 bpm and palpitations and restlessness. Then right around 8pm-ish I finally start feeling relaxed and relief with a heart rate of like 55. It's like this pretty much everyday. Does anyone else have anxiety like this? I lost my job and band due to GAD but at least I can sleep at night which is nice haha.


Heart rate of 55? Mine's about 100 when I'm relaxed!

Edit: I just downloaded an app that measures your heart rate and mine is actually 65-70. My exercise bike lies! So 55 is good :)

My anxiety is worst in the morning and best at night as well (unless I have something stressful the next day). This all sounds pretty normal for an anxious person.

All the best :)