View Full Version : Afraid of taking anything... frustrating myself!

09-08-2014, 10:35 AM
Ok so I have been having pretty bad symptoms for a while now.

Waking at night in a sweat, heart beating rapidly, muscles twitching and in spasm. Pain in those muscles. Weak legs, shaking esp in arms and legs at times muscles twitches during the day. Shortness of breath and some light chest pain that comes and goes with other symptoms. Restless legs.

Also have periodic symptoms of general anxiety too when these things get bad.

We did find brain inflammation on an MRI and I will see a neuro later this month and the Dr. wasn't too concerned about it but....

I have also found up and down iron levels and the above symptoms seem to get worse or improve according.

My symptoms had gotten worse again so I asked for more iron testing and yes I am low again.

ok so to the taking things problem.

I was taking a chewable iron and a flistones vitamin with iron to get my iron back up last time.

Now they have changed the form of iron in the chewable AND the only flistones I can find here now are the flinstones completes and they have things in them I have never taken and didn't really want to so I am having super anxiety leading up to taking one. I NEED the iron and vitamins but I can't do it. The new ones have zinc and copper in them and I of course read some side effect possibilities of taking copper. I hate this so much!

I am taking the new form of chewable iron and I don't like it as much and it is giving me a few issues but for some reason I am really scared to take the stupid chewable flinstone :(

I need to get my iron up and I am so frustrated with myself. I feel horrible but if I do take it and I am afraid my body will make up symptoms even if its fine.

09-08-2014, 12:16 PM
If they are Flintstones vitamins, I assume they must be made for children. They would have to be mild and safe, in that case.

09-08-2014, 11:32 PM
Deficiency is not causing your anxiety, it's wise for you to read up on exactly what anxiety is. Read my thread in my signature. Read a couple others around here. Gain an understanding of what you're dealing with and begin your journey to recovery. Take care

09-09-2014, 05:40 AM
Deficiency is causing my physical symptoms due to the anemia. Because of that my anxiety has increased again. I have had this {anxiety and panic} since 1997, I am aware of what anxiety is. Sometimes it is nice to try to find a place I can talk out the irrational things I go through with the anxiety such as feeling afraid of taking a vitamin. I'll keep looking.

Either way I finally spoke to a pharmacist yesterday who was familiar with the chew iron I am taking and I can take two of those daily to close enough equal the amount of iron in the other form the Dr. wants me to take so I will do that instead of taking the other ingredients in the multi I don't want right now.

09-09-2014, 05:52 AM
Sometimes it is nice to try to find a place I can talk out the irrational things I go through with the anxiety such as feeling afraid of taking a vitamin.

Talk it out all you wish too, that's what this lovely place is for friend...
As far as taking a multi-vitamin goes, your body will use what it needs when it needs it, and pass all of the rest....
I must take additional vitamins because of all the medications that I'm on for multiple other issues because my body will deplete certain ones more than others.
Hoping for better days Time2Reclaim!

Enduronman :)

09-09-2014, 08:29 AM
Deficiency is causing my physical symptoms due to the anemia. Because of that my anxiety has increased again. I have had this {anxiety and panic} since 1997, I am aware of what anxiety is. Sometimes it is nice to try to find a place I can talk out the irrational things I go through with the anxiety such as feeling afraid of taking a vitamin. I'll keep looking.

Either way I finally spoke to a pharmacist yesterday who was familiar with the chew iron I am taking and I can take two of those daily to close enough equal the amount of iron in the other form the Dr. wants me to take so I will do that instead of taking the other ingredients in the multi I don't want right now.

Hi, anemia will give you some symptoms kind of similar to anxiety. Anemia and anxiety together that's tough. I am FeraMax 150 twice a week and it helped me. That awful dizziness is almost gone. Ask you doctor for something better that the pills you take now. Most iron supplements over the counter do not work that well. anyway you have to take it for long time. There is iron in a lot of foods, like nuts, kale, romaine lettuce and many more:) Of course combination of supplements and foods should help you:)

09-09-2014, 08:58 AM
Deficiency is causing my physical symptoms due to the anemia. Because of that my anxiety has increased again. I have had this {anxiety and panic} since 1997, I am aware of what anxiety is. Sometimes it is nice to try to find a place I can talk out the irrational things I go through with the anxiety such as feeling afraid of taking a vitamin. I'll keep looking.

Either way I finally spoke to a pharmacist yesterday who was familiar with the chew iron I am taking and I can take two of those daily to close enough equal the amount of iron in the other form the Dr. wants me to take so I will do that instead of taking the other ingredients in the multi I don't want right now.

My apologies then. Take those supplements and read up on fear idea management. You take care :)