View Full Version : Causes and Symptoms of Depression

09-08-2014, 05:05 AM
The many symptoms of depression include many of the items on this list, usually in a variety of combinations:

1. Loss of energy and passion for things once enjoyed in life.
2. Ongoing feeling of helplessness and worthlessness.
3. Insomnia or sleeping more than usual.
4. Irritability
5. Change in appetite (either excessive eating or eating very little)
6. No desire to make any type of decision – not “caring”
7. Persistent aches such as stomach issues or dull headaches.
8. Thinking about suicide.

09-08-2014, 05:09 AM
The many symptoms of depression include many of the items on this list, usually in a variety of combinations:

1. Loss of energy and passion for things once enjoyed in life.
2. Ongoing feeling of helplessness and worthlessness.
3. Insomnia or sleeping more than usual.
4. Irritability
5. Change in appetite (either excessive eating or eating very little)
6. No desire to make any type of decision – not “caring”
7. Persistent aches such as stomach issues or dull headaches.
8. Thinking about suicide.

A note to any reader here about depression:

The nature of your personal beliefs in a large measure directs the
kinds of emotions you will have at any given time. You will feel
aggressive, happy, despairing, or determined according to events
that happen to you, your beliefs about yourself in relation to them,
and your ideas of who and what you are. You will not understand your
emotions unless you know your beliefs. It will seem to you that you
feel aggressive or upset without reason, or that your feelings sweep
down upon you without cause if you do not learn to listen to the
beliefs within your own conscious mind, for they generate their own

One of the strongest general causes of depression, for example, is
the belief that your conscious mind is powerless either in the face
of exterior circumstances thrust upon you from without, or before
strong emotional events that seem to be overwhelming from within.

Yes, it takes work to heal, but before you begin you must see health and joy as at least possible.

Blessings and peace