View Full Version : Le writing technique

09-04-2014, 06:27 PM
Ok I thought I would share this idea in hopes it would help one of you..

When Im anxious and feeling trapped in my own body, I get a pen and paper and write a story. My dream is to become a journalist but, this is different. In the little story, I create the person I want to be, In a comfortable setting which I can create just as I like. They can do things I feel unable to do in the moment..

It has helped me through a lot of panic, I guess its the escape that other wise only death could bring..whoa getting deep!!

So yas, give it a go if you want and let me know how you get on? I burn the stories after I write them. I dont know why I just feel more comfortable that way.

09-04-2014, 07:39 PM
Beautiful, maddie.

Your journey leads you to this comfort zone. The message here is to find your passion and fulfill it. In the same regard my passion is to help others. Thus I spend time here daily to see whom I can reach out to.

What's your passion? Reader of this post. And how do you satisfy that passion? Perhaps you'll make a career out of it, or a hobby to satisfy what you're here for. Take care all and please. Everyone share your passion.

09-05-2014, 08:33 AM
Yes, exactly:) I also get easily so into what im writing it is quickly as if im really the character, in the setting im creating. And to top it off its great practise too;)