View Full Version : New school Anxiety??

09-03-2014, 10:18 AM
Hi everyone,
Basically, I've had to start a new school today and I've had bad anxiety anyway lately so this made me sooo anxious. School is something that is most likely to cause me really bad anxiety, because I had a really really bad experience in my last school, which made me an even more anxious person. even though this is a new start, I hate the idea of school. everything. the finding your way around, trying to make new friends (which is extremely hard) and getting on top of all the school work and the home work and just the school life in general. Today didn't go too badly, but I think I was so anxious I didn't come across as very friendly. I do really want to make friends with people, especially since the experience I had at my previous school. I have a group of kids that offered me to sit with them, but we didn't really talk much, because I don't really know what to say when I'm the new one.

I get really stressed and anxious over just finding the rooms. If I don't know where it is, I panic that I will get in trouble for being late. The school work itself scares me, because I started late at my previous school. This lead me to missing a lot of work and being behind, and none of the teachers liked me. The problem was, I had no confidence when I took tests, had to answer questions, etc. It lead to great embarrassment, fear and loneliness.

Now I'm just so anxious that I will have the same experience. I just get so anxious over school -related things. it terrifies me. Does anyone have any advice on how to make myself more calm? or how I can seem more friendly to other people despite being such an anxious person? I'm just really scared. I woke up this morning with unbearable anxiety. I was tossing and turning, wanting to cry and just dreaded getting up and could barely eat when I did. Thank you so much for any answers :) I'm just really scared. Its great to have your support everyone :) .

09-03-2014, 10:34 AM

I went to 6 different high schools, yes, it was tough especially with anxiety.
I also had to help and assist both of my daughters while they were in high school too as they both had terrible anxiety, and one has ADD/ADHD.
Both of them had medications in the nurses station to help them cope with anxiety as prescribed by our doctor. If medications are an option for you.
It also helps to make an appointment to see your school councilor. To let them know how you feel, your fears, your issues, as they can help guide you and also be your relief as well.
They can even assign a student to help you find your way around, and also to possibly become your first friend there as well. They are generally successful kids that would be assigned.
My daughters also had something called a "Hot Pass" that was given to them to use if they became panicked and anxious. They could just hold it up, and walk out of the class room.
They could then go see the councilor, or the school nurse, or the school secretary to get a break in the action, stress, anxiety.
They were both under a doctors care for their issues, and this was also very helpful to give them an opportunity to succeed when they otherwise wouldn't have.
One of my daughter is now in a program called Finish Strong which is an online school program and it gives her the ability to study from home or anywhere there is wifi.
She's a Senior (again) this year and needs 7 credits to graduate. Her anxiety and ADD was too much for regular school programs so I got her into this one. She can't sit still.
Do you see a doctor for your anxiety?

Just some thoughts and ideas for you to contemplate as I have dealt with this issue before and still am essentially.

Hopefully that helps you!

Enduronman.. :)