View Full Version : New here, just saying hi!

08-30-2014, 09:58 AM
Hey everybody.

I decided to give this forum a try. I have read it a few times and it seems like a great place to share advice.

I personally suffered from general anxiety disorder. A few years ago I was just driving home from work and I had a terrible anxiety attack.
I had never had anything like it before. I never felt anxious or was depressed.

After this attack, I began to feel anxious and depressed all the time. I felt like a totally different person.

Fast forward to today, I feel like I am "cured" (anxiety is like a scar and never truly goes away)

I found out what works for me and I feel great and my anxiety is vary manageable. I have helped other people and have even written a book about anxiety!
I am really looking forward to sharing what I have learned and helping out anyone who needs it.

Thanks for reading!