View Full Version : 5htp Natural suppl to help with anxiety/depression

Bradd Johnson
08-26-2014, 12:02 AM
I want to quickly start of by saying that I'm prescribed to clonzepam. 25 up to 3x a day. Been taking them for a few years now 😦. I've been through depression for several years now off and on antidepressants. Always worse in the winter (SAD). Any who I'm wondering if anyone has any insight on 5htp. Would it be OK to take with the clonzepam, multivitamin in morning along with omega 3, and 100 mg of 5htp at night. I've been taking it last few nights and tonight I feel like crap. Im just really worried I need to get on something before this anxiety/depression gets worse and don't want to take antidepressants again for the hundredth time. Does this pain ever go away?????

08-26-2014, 03:16 AM
I'm not sure I would do it but that's just because I'm very cautious. I know the antidepressants have side effects but I've recently found some success with 5mg of lexapro. Lexapro has a very low side effect profile (one of the best) and at such a low dose, the side effects are minimal. However, it makes all the difference for me.