View Full Version : Performance anxiety

08-12-2014, 11:41 AM
I have been feeling so anxious lately (I blame it on paroxetine tappering).
It's been slowly covering every aspect of my life, health, love life and now my work. I always manage to separate my work from everything else but right now my insecurities seem to be taking over.

I'm a teacher, I teach unemployed adults. I've always liked my job but right now I seem to suffer from an extreme
performance anxiety, like I don't feel able to teach. I get nausea and all before having class. Why? I think
I won't make a good job, that I won't be able to motivate the students, that they might stand there looking ate me and saying nothing, not liking my teaching, that other colleagues would do a better job,...
All things I wouldn't think a year ago, for instance.
I try to rationalize it, think about past successes but it seems useless.
Just picking up material to class planning makes me feel sick :(

Anyone going through the same thing?