View Full Version : Call me Mr. Anxiety

06-11-2008, 06:52 PM
Well... after trolling for a while, I finally decided to create an account. My name is K2_02 (group responds "HI K2_02!").

I'll never forget my first panic attack. I was in a band; played the drums. I used to frequently go to an adjacent city about 45 minutes away to shop for cool clothes for our gigs. This particular Friday night, I made the drive (alone as usual) and went in to do some shopping. I was in the dressing room trying on some new duds. This heatwave passed over my body and I felt kinda dizzy for just about 2 seconds. It sent me into a frenzy. My mind was saying,"WTF was that?! That's never happened before! Something must be wrong! I've got to get out of here!" I immediately left the store... left the clothes in the dressing room... high-tailed it to my car... and sped like a mad man all the way home.

I realize now - that I needed to get to my "safe place" - but at the time, I thought that something was really wrong with me.

That was nearly 10 years ago. It's scary to think that I've been dealing with this for that long.

I deal with the daily headaches that come for weeks/months and then subside for weeks/months. I deal with the strange sensations and over-reactions. I've gone to the doctor for test after test and they always come back negative. About the only thing I haven't had is an MRI/CT of my brain --- I don't need one... I know what's wrong with it. :(

I look forward to sharing my experiences with you ALL; finding new hope together and working through our "symptoms." It took my brother going to the ER, thinking he was having a heart attack, for me to realize and for the dialog to open in my family, that this is hereditary. My brother, my father and now me. We all suffer from severe anxiety and excessive WORRY. It sucks. There's no better way to put it.

I look forward to talking to more of you. I am a forum owner/operator so I know what goes into making these places work --- so a big THANK YOU to those that created this sounding board for us.

Remember what I tell myself often on those days that I'm not feeling so great. "Get busy living, or get busy dying." I feel like life is passing me by because I am so focused on my own problems - my own feelings - my own "symptoms" - and I HATE IT. I hope that this place can help me work toward finding my own path out... and that maybe I can help some of you as well.

06-27-2008, 05:51 PM
I agree with everything you said but it is so hard to get busy living when people around me at work and in life always say or do one thing that makes me question who I am and my worth. I am nervous all the time..........................about work especially.....I never feel like I am doing a good job, I always feel like someone is talking about me, and the funny thing is people always tell me what a graet and happy person I am ...........and the minute I let my guard down and say HEY I AM PRETTY AWESOme......someone jumps in to make sure that dont get my hopes up..........its my life and it doesnt end.