View Full Version : anxiety trigger

08-04-2014, 06:13 PM
Hi, Im interested to know what triggered other people's anxiety. Did it come on suddenly or did you go through a difficult time. Looking back on my situation. I spent a year going through some difficult things. I then suffered a miscarriage and my partner left me a few days later. Still I carried on as normal until a few weeks later I had a panic attack which came on suddenly while I was laying in bed and it's been a vicious circle from there on.

08-04-2014, 06:53 PM
Hey Manda,
Welcome to the forums...... for some of us there are triggers, others it just stress..... here is my list LOL

It all started after Iraq, Got diagnosed with PTSD, triggers were, heat, loud sounds, and enclosures (Elevators and Airplanes)

Couple years later, Got over the sounds, elevators and mostly the heat.

6 years later my panic came back with a vengeance. Doc said it was from stress not PTSD related. So changed my life style a little bit and now been going about 6 months almost normal!

Pretty happy with how far I have come! It will take time and a lot of struggles but its something that can be conquered!

08-04-2014, 11:56 PM
Heya :]

I can't really remember what my triggers were strangely! I think it was the feeling of just not being in control, the worry that I was insane and that I belonged in an institution where they'd drill on my brain and put me on drugs that would make me a robot. Silly, huh? Or maybe not so much. The thought of having some incurable mental illness is something that would scare the hell out of any of us! Anxiety, and panic disorders however, are far, FAR, FAAAAAR from incurable. Or I'd still be rolled up on my bed sobbing to this day because I was so deathly afraid for what seemed like no reason at all.

What exactice said is right, "it will take time and a lot of struggles but it's something that can be conquered!". Anxiety wants control over you. Anxiety is this, sneaky spy that's poisoned your mind against you, promising it power and control. Fear is saying to your mind, "You could be King/Queen -- with my help..." and your mind is all like "By golly, I can?! Jee whiz! Well...I'd like that a lot methinks!"

See... your mind isn't the enemy, the fear is. The biggest weapon you have is your power to convince your mind that you're the one calling the shots. Everytime you feel that fear creeping on you, that helplessness, that "uh oh..." feeling of dread that sends chills down your spine, you look that fear in the eye and spit on the ground (dont actually spit), and you say "Look, anxiety, everytime you try to get me down, and rule MY life, I will get 10x stronger. The next time? 20x stronger. You will never win. I will never quit. I will come out on top, and I will break you."

You will become a cerebral Spartan. These people in your everyday life who are like "Stop being scared! What's wrong with you? Are you weak?!"
They have never known true fear. Only we who have dealt with this know true fear. We looked it in the eye, every minute, of every day. How would you like to say that you conquered it? That you. Broke. Fear. You sent it running with it's tail between it's legs. You can do that :] Because many others have.

I have been completely anxiety free for 2 years. I told anxiety that I wasn't going to let it stop me from enjoying my life at age 20, and once I defeated it, living life has been so much sweeter. You all can do it too :]

I'm sorry, I have no idea why I feel the need to give a lecture hahaha. I just really want everybody to be rid of anxiety too. We all deserve to live life normally and have fun. If anyone has any questions, feel free to message me.

08-05-2014, 12:29 AM
My latest trigger is, well, silly. My boyfriend and I were out shopping and decided to rent a red box movie before going home. He decided upon "This is the End". A comedy about the end of the world. I told him I just didn't feel like watching it, wasn't feeling very good. I watched it against my better judgement, and ended up in the hospital at 5 am. That is what caused my current severe anxiety (one year on October 15th). Death has always been a trigger for me. I call myself the grim reaper. I've watched 5 people and several animals die since the age of 11 (1 heart attack, 2 cancer, 2 freak accidents). So ever since age 11, I've had severe anxiety that presents itself fully after certain "death triggers."

08-05-2014, 01:43 AM
Hi, Im interested to know what triggered other people's anxiety. Did it come on suddenly or did you go through a difficult time. Looking back on my situation. I spent a year going through some difficult things. I then suffered a miscarriage and my partner left me a few days later. Still I carried on as normal until a few weeks later I had a panic attack which came on suddenly while I was laying in bed and it's been a vicious circle from there on.

For me it is really hard to say. I remember 2 attacks around the age of 20, one at university and one with friends. I just think it gradually started with years of stress and crap happening to me. Also I am sorry to hear about what you went through. I think you stayed strong for to long... It is quite normal to react to such bad events. I know you'll get through this to, because you are a strong person.

08-06-2014, 05:49 AM
I can't pinpoint a thing in my life that could have triggered it. But my thoughts at that time could have definitely, health anxiety....

08-06-2014, 08:06 AM
Thanks for your replies. I definitely have health anxiety but this started a few years back when I suddenly became ill with an autoimmune disease. I started to fear every symptom I felt. A headache would for sure be a brain tumour. Over a year I slowly talked myself out of this and was well and going out, enjoying life as normal. Since the miscarriage it's back and I feel Ill and panicky all the time. I know I got over it before but I'm struggling this time. I watched the film girl interrupted a few weeks ago and that seemed to make Me worse. As she had the personalisation I feel I keep thinking I'm going to go crazy and end up in a mental ward. At the moment anything can send Me into a panic. I have a son and it's not fair on him as its the holidays and I can't go far from home as I feel dizzy all the time. My parents have been great and help out a lot and have taken him on many day trips. I need to get over this.

08-06-2014, 09:27 AM
Yes, certain movies, TV shows, songs, or books can trigger my anxiety as well. I, too, suffer with health anxiety.
Just a little tidbit, there is NOTHING wrong with going into a "mental ward". I have contemplated it at my lowest points. Being strong and knowledgable enough to know you cannot get better on your own is admirable. It helps to have a good support system, people who will not hold it over you that you've been to the "crazy house". Some times our bodies can't do it alone. We need that little extra push, even if only for a short amount of time, to get back on track.
I'm in no way saying I think you need to go into a mental institution, just telling you that the negative stigma and opinions are observed in people who do not and will not ever understand our struggle.

But, I am scratching Girl Interrupted off of my "Things I want to watch" list on Netflix. lol.. :)

08-06-2014, 09:47 AM
Mine came from emotional stress from a break up that I could not get out of my mind, but the real trigger came from a waking up and on the way to the bathroom having a panic attack or having my blood pressure change quickly, but either way I have a constant scare of it happening again. I can feel anxiety coming because my back muscles and neck tense up, my breathing pattern changes and my thoughts become negative.

08-06-2014, 10:05 AM
It's good if you have people to talk to. My friend has been great and talks me out of a panic a lot as I phone her but I feel like I'm bothering people with it. My parents help with my son a lot but I asked my mother a few weeks back to look after my son so that I could go to a mental health ward and get help as I was feeling at my lowest and she said if u go there you will not come out the same person and your son will be taken off you. Don't tell anyone you have this as social services might get involved. Is she right in saying this as it scares the he'll out of me? I've never put him in any danger and he's a healthy happy boy.

08-06-2014, 03:55 PM
I think it's better you get the help you need rather than you getting worse and maybe unable to properly take care of him in the future.
I'm uncertain on specific laws and rules when it comes to social services, but I believe every situation is different. As long as your son has proper care and you have never treated him poorly, I don't believe they have grounds to take him from you.