View Full Version : Jobs + Anxiety

08-04-2014, 02:07 AM
So I am 18 years old still living at home with my mumma, I have never had a job because of my anxiety.
I want to go to university and go flatting but the thought of getting a job is way to much.
I will be able to get a student loan and I am very lucky to have my father paying $400 a month for child support even though I am 18 so I will now get that money however I am told this is just not enough.

I have people on my case all the time about getting a job but I just can't do it.. It's so hard and I need some advice.. I get angry at people who try to pressure me, I just know that I am not ready..


08-04-2014, 07:16 AM
So I am 18 years old still living at home with my mumma, I have never had a job because of my anxiety.
I want to go to university and go flatting but the thought of getting a job is way to much.
I will be able to get a student loan and I am very lucky to have my father paying $400 a month for child support even though I am 18 so I will now get that money however I am told this is just not enough.

I have people on my case all the time about getting a job but I just can't do it.. It's so hard and I need some advice.. I get angry at people who try to pressure me, I just know that I am not ready..


Then here is your help, directly from the universe to your eyes and ears, take it seriously as the universe doesn't usually hit you square in the face with an answer:

Money follows passion, not work. If you had money, you wouldn't worry. Money does not follow hard work, money follows persistance, period. It gives in to one who persists (disguised as hard work), and pays out riches.

The anxiety is not in the doing, for you can do, the anxiety is in the undecisive mental state, in the middle of a rock in a hard place. And the annoyance of others telling you how it should be.

Money always follows persistent action toward passion, period. And that says it all.

For example, rummage your attic for unused items, sell them on ebay, and after a get to know period of a few days (ebay) go rummage other people's attics.

Or, i could sell one item on craigslist, and within a month generate a few thousand in profit. Over and over. Not because I have a magic hat, but because I am fueled with desire, backed by knowledge, and motivated by persistant unrelenting action.

Unrelenting (dictionary): not yielding in strength, severity, or determination. Get intimate with that word, it will change your life. It will make your life.

Self examination into hobbies, interests, and strengths when not entranced by anxiety and it's symptoms will be the starting point.

Don't just be good, be good for something. From your own little corner of your bedroom you can change the world.

Finally, put your energies back of desire and self, to unlock passion, your 18 get a move on that. Instead of putting energies into maintaining an illness and giving your power over to the naysayers disguised as friends and family, the most insidious of all if you let them in. Become powerfull, not powerless, from power comes the rocket fuel to success.

That is that.

08-04-2014, 09:52 AM
That reply really got me thinking, I think I understand.. Thank you

08-04-2014, 09:57 AM
That reply really got me thinking, I think I understand.. Thank you

Your welcome :)

08-04-2014, 01:06 PM
So I am 18 years old still living at home with my mumma, I have never had a job because of my anxiety.
I want to go to university and go flatting but the thought of getting a job is way to much.
I will be able to get a student loan and I am very lucky to have my father paying $400 a month for child support even though I am 18 so I will now get that money however I am told this is just not enough.

I have people on my case all the time about getting a job but I just can't do it.. It's so hard and I need some advice.. I get angry at people who try to pressure me, I just know that I am not ready..


i need the same exact advice please private message me or talk to me on i message thatd be great thank you