View Full Version : Pressure situation, need to focus. Need to be in the right state of mind at that time

08-03-2014, 01:24 PM
So as I play pool regularly and take it quite seriously, I've got a money match next month, 6 weeks to prepare. I can beat my opponent, I am a very similar ability to him. I am very determined to win, I need to win.

The match will last around 3hrs, so therefore I will need to keep focus for that time, and with no anxiety I suppose. Also It is vital I don't crumble under pressure I think. I know my opponent is mentally very strong, that's his strength; that's my weakness....
To afford this match I am getting sponsors, people to give me money for the match, added pressure will be there therefore.

How can I control any anxieties for this matches duration ?
How should I keep focus for the duration, making sure I am still thinking in a rational manner etc?

I want to be on top form

08-03-2014, 03:32 PM
Any replies ?

08-03-2014, 06:11 PM

I don't know if this will help. I do competitive horse backing riding (eventing) and 20 years ago I let my anxiety prevent me from competing and had 20 years of regret. I personally believe it depends how bad you want it. Now I don't have money at stake like you with sponsors but I still have anxiety of making a fool of myself. I deal with it by practicing, being prepared the best I can and I'm very blessed to have a support network there for me. I find some nervousness helps give me an edge to pay attention. I do try to avoid too much caffeine, alcohol and any other things that may contribute to anxiety. I do deep breathing to calm myself and to get more focus. Is there a friend or someone that could go with you? I find it helpful that my husband is my biggest supporter, sometimes it's even tough love like telling me to put my big girl pants on and do it, and deep down I know he's right cause after I'm done there's no better feeling win or lose that I at least did it. I hope this helped, you sound very talented good luck and I already know you can do it :)

08-04-2014, 04:41 AM
Thanks for the reply.
Very good advise, breathing especially.


I don't know if this will help. I do competitive horse backing riding (eventing) and 20 years ago I let my anxiety prevent me from competing and had 20 years of regret. I personally believe it depends how bad you want it. Now I don't have money at stake like you with sponsors but I still have anxiety of making a fool of myself. I deal with it by practicing, being prepared the best I can and I'm very blessed to have a support network there for me. I find some nervousness helps give me an edge to pay attention. I do try to avoid too much caffeine, alcohol and any other things that may contribute to anxiety. I do deep breathing to calm myself and to get more focus. Is there a friend or someone that could go with you? I find it helpful that my husband is my biggest supporter, sometimes it's even tough love like telling me to put my big girl pants on and do it, and deep down I know he's right cause after I'm done there's no better feeling win or lose that I at least did it. I hope this helped, you sound very talented good luck and I already know you can do it :)

08-04-2014, 07:16 PM
Joe!!!! Awesome topic, BTW! My $0.02

I play golf regularly with friends and clients, With my friends its money games and a lot of pride, After there is a bunch of !@#$%$ Talking and it goes on till the next week so not only heavy on the pocket book but also psyche.

Now this is the thing, I remember a long time ago when I first started playing the stress was unbearable and I would shake, I would have panic like symptoms and just freak out.

Now I since I have learned coping skills for panic attacks I use those. This is the first thing I do. So when I know that the stress is building, I take nice long deep breaths to regulate the body. Regulate the heart rate and bring down the adrenaline.

Now there is 2 other things I do to really get the mind strong.

#1 - I cast out all doubts, In my mind I am telling myself, I will sink this shot, I will sink this shot repeatedly. So when you aim cast all doubt and tell yourself you WILL MAKE THIS!!!!
#2 - This is a variable, as it depends on the person but I have adapted this to me. There are 2 types of "Clutch" performers. The first is the one that can block out everything and go into their own world. The second is the one that lives for the excitement. For me I go for option 2. I take it all it, I tell myself, I want everyone to see me clutch up and makes this putt. I want people to chant my name. This gets me more motivated and more excited in a good way rather than trying to block everything out!

So when you go into your game next week, Treat the symptoms as a panic attack and do your exercises to bring it down. Secondly Cast out all doubt. Lastly get pumped in a positive way not an adrenaline way or just learn to disappear in to your own world!

Good luck and most of all have fun!!!!!

08-05-2014, 04:25 AM
Thanks exactice
Very good advise, I'll definitely use it in my match.
Joe!!!! Awesome topic, BTW! My $0.02

I play golf regularly with friends and clients, With my friends its money games and a lot of pride, After there is a bunch of !@#$%$ Talking and it goes on till the next week so not only heavy on the pocket book but also psyche.

Now this is the thing, I remember a long time ago when I first started playing the stress was unbearable and I would shake, I would have panic like symptoms and just freak out.

Now I since I have learned coping skills for panic attacks I use those. This is the first thing I do. So when I know that the stress is building, I take nice long deep breaths to regulate the body. Regulate the heart rate and bring down the adrenaline.

Now there is 2 other things I do to really get the mind strong.

#1 - I cast out all doubts, In my mind I am telling myself, I will sink this shot, I will sink this shot repeatedly. So when you aim cast all doubt and tell yourself you WILL MAKE THIS!!!!
#2 - This is a variable, as it depends on the person but I have adapted this to me. There are 2 types of "Clutch" performers. The first is the one that can block out everything and go into their own world. The second is the one that lives for the excitement. For me I go for option 2. I take it all it, I tell myself, I want everyone to see me clutch up and makes this putt. I want people to chant my name. This gets me more motivated and more excited in a good way rather than trying to block everything out!

So when you go into your game next week, Treat the symptoms as a panic attack and do your exercises to bring it down. Secondly Cast out all doubt. Lastly get pumped in a positive way not an adrenaline way or just learn to disappear in to your own world!

Good luck and most of all have fun!!!!!

08-05-2014, 03:26 PM
Keep us posted Joe on how it goes!

08-05-2014, 03:35 PM
I will keep you posted!