View Full Version : Hang Overs
12-02-2005, 10:20 AM
Well last night was my mates 21st birthday...and i went round his house for the little party he had. It was really cool..but i kept drinking and i knew i had ork today :(
Anyway I forgot to set my alarm cos i was drunk when i got home...and another mate who i drive to work rang me at 8am sayin im outside waiting to i had to get ready so fast and rushed out of the house in about 5 mins.
Then i got to work and the hang over kicked in...but it was made worse by my anxiety. I couldnt stop thinking i wsa goning to be sick and lose my job (totally stupid thoughts). Does any1 else get bad anxiety with hang overs?
12-02-2005, 11:12 PM
Yeah. But i quit drinking bekause i was taking some antipsychotiks and antidepressants, and then i stopped...but i kouldnt drink anymore..i try, kause its what i love to do...but i kant seem to shake that feeling of , what if i get too drunk? or what if i black out? or what if some how the medication is still in there and i get really fucked up.
I kan hardly keep it together by myself being sober....i dont know..
but yeah when i got hang overs i woke up in the morning and i thought i was going to be sick but it was just me making myself sick...i really really hate vomiting....i have never ever vomited off of drinking, which is stupid bekause i was worrying about nothing..i havent thrown up like in 12 years...
03-16-2006, 07:12 PM
Yes i understand completely i drink about 3 to 4 days a week and while im drinking i think to myself "i should only have a couple because if i drink too much it will bring on the anxiety" but silly me i have a couple and than i end up having 6 to 10 beers, and when i wake up in the morning i feel the hangova kick in than i think is it gonna bring on my anxiety all these weird hangova feelings and it seems to bring them on bad :(
and angel i have the same problem i feel like i cant keep it together being sober so i turn back to the drink :(
03-17-2006, 09:35 AM
I think the benefit of drinking in moderation is cool, but its hard to judge after a few drinks when is a good time to stop :)
03-17-2006, 05:49 PM
I quit drinking because it increased my anxiety. The doctor told me to stay away from alcohol and caffeiene
03-19-2006, 04:37 AM
well yesterday I was nursing a terrible POST st.patricks day hang over. I have to say, the hang over is worth the bother if you had a great night!
03-19-2006, 03:37 PM
^ yeah i agree :D
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