View Full Version : Blackout Anxiety

07-15-2014, 11:46 AM
About six months ago I blacked out at an apartment and when I woke up at 4am I walked home and went to bed and thought nothing happened, but I later found out I had sex with a guy who lives there... I did have a sore private area the next morning but hadn't thought much of it.

I am now terrified of blacking out in addition to many other things (tests, my appearance, social situations, etc.)

I've been obsessed lately with all my previous black outs. I have blacked out a few times before and woken up in my own bed with all my clothes still on. How likely is it to have black out sex, walk myself home, and have all my clothes on and feel no discomfort or anything unusual? I'm starting to become obsessed with the idea that I blacked out and contracted HIV but I also have hospital anxiety.. Should I be concerned?

For more details, I'm white, female, heterosexual, and do not use IV drugs. I also attend a top 50 university.

07-15-2014, 12:24 PM
Hi bheverett, Welcome to the forum. If you are not passing out from the normal stuff like drinking, LOL in collage than you better get yourself checked out. This is one time when you need to get a medical professionals opinion. If your just blacking out when ever you could do some serious injury to yourself or some one else. I would also be very concerned about having NON consensual sex while you where blacked out. If people are having sex with you and you do not know it then what else is going on that you do not know about. Your in a top 50 University so i think you should be able to figure this out for yourself, please go seek some help. We will be here for you but you know what you must do. ( unless there is more to the story? ). Good luck and never hesitate to ask a question.