View Full Version : Does anxiety come with anger/impulse control issues?

07-14-2014, 07:51 PM
My husband has always had some anger issues, goes from 0-100 in a split second etc. But especially since anxiety kicked in. And overall impulse issues. He can never stay still, always moving, clicking a pen etc. I just wanted to know if anxiety is the cause of this or if he may have another issue on top of anxiety? He has severe health anxiety and needs CONSTANT reassurance and once i get tired or frustrated he blows up. He needs to understand it is not my responsibility to fix him. As much as he didn't ask for this neither did i. Just looking to see how to approach this.

Irish Sammie
07-15-2014, 04:11 AM
Hi Wifey,

I can confirm that anxiety will exasperate the original case of his anger issues. Having anger issues is one thing, having anxiety on top of it will make it worse. Ever since I've been experiencing this condition, I've less patience, I get more angry a lot more easily than I ever did before though I tend to bottle it as much as I can as everyone knows me for being upbeat and happy all the time. I understand that your situation is quite tricky, as you want to help but feel like it's not getting you anywhere given his reaction to it.

What I would suggest, is that he go and see a Psychologist about this if he's not already doing so. Over time, they'll be able to figure out where his anger is stemming from and then be able to work on that directly. The two conditions are very much related, but if he didn't always have the anxiety, it could be a knock on effect of the anger issues ( I can only hypothesize at this stage as I don't know him). It seems like it's out of your comfort and knowledge realm, as it would be for most people so seeking outside help is probably best. If however, this isn't an option for you there are plenty of good self-help books out there that can help him.

I've heard of this Psychologist within the area of anger management before, and he's known to do good work. A simple search brought up this book : http://www.amazon.com/Beyond-Anger-Guide-Free-Yourself/dp/1569246211/ref=pd_bxgy_b_img_y

If you're not in the states, just search for it in the UK amazon. :)

07-15-2014, 10:09 AM
I can say my anxiety is related to my anger.

When i'm stressed out/anxious/under pressure i'll seriously snap when things don't go my way. I have OCD so when i'm very anxious from this I can tweak out on people if things aren't done how I like them.

It's normal for anxious people but I understand the frustration from your side. It isn't fair to you and your husband should seek some help to control his anger/anxiety.

07-15-2014, 03:30 PM
I feel there is some relations with anxiety and anger. Remember anxiety is something that we worry about, worry causes anger etc.... its an evil cycle.

Now from the sound of it, your other half might have a little more than just anxiety issues. But best if he sees a proper doctor and be upfront and honest about all his symptoms and reactions.

Just a side note..... please take my words with a grain of salt and I will try to be as respectful as possible. You are absolutely right..... he nor you came in to the relationship expecting this....its unfortunately and extremely difficult for BOTH. I lost a long relationship from my PTSD and Panic attacks. The sad part was my other half at the time said the same thing....."I didnt ask for this." From there it went downhill. I was "sick" and I know I was "sick" and it was only time and a loving relationship that would help me get better. Unfortunately she gave up. It took me 3 years and I recovered greatly for the most part, but it was sad as her attitude was I didnt ask for this. Again neither of you did but you both made a commitment "In sickness and in health". Please try to be as supportive as possible and remember. Its a sickness that can be cured with time and love!

Respectfully and Sincerely,