View Full Version : Dropping out of college?

07-14-2014, 11:49 AM
I am new to this forum and haven't even seen a doctor yet about my anxiety, but I have an appointment this week. I never really had horrible anxiety until last week.. which sounds fairly recent, but I have experienced dental anxiety due to traumatic dental experiences. Right now, my anxiety feels like it is at its worse and I am considering calling my boss today telling her I can't work until I figure everything out (since I'm not really sure what is causing my anxiety). However, I'm afraid of moving away from home and going to a new college (I'll be transferring). I keep thinking about how big the campus will be since I'm transferring from a fairly small community college. I keep thinking about all the people, the large crowds, the big classes, etc. and I can't help but feel that my anxiety might take over so much that I will want to drop out. This happened in highschool because of my dental experience, but I haven't really experienced it until recently. I don't know how I will be feeling in a couple months so I shouldn't already be thinking about dropping out, but it is a worry of mine...

Prayer for Anxiety
07-14-2014, 12:52 PM
Kaybeee - I saw your other post too. It is normal to be anxious about school. Your life is changing. This is a good thing!
Now if things are overwhelming to the point where you have strong symptoms (short of breath, panic, chest pain, etc..) then the doc visit is important.

Don't project or try to predict the future. Begin to have faith that you can handle it and do well in school. Every single person starting school gets nervous.

Others here will suggest meditation and/or cognitive behavioral therapy. For me, prayer works best.

Hope this helps,

07-14-2014, 04:22 PM
I am new to this forum and haven't even seen a doctor yet about my anxiety, but I have an appointment this week. I never really had horrible anxiety until last week.. which sounds fairly recent, but I have experienced dental anxiety due to traumatic dental experiences. Right now, my anxiety feels like it is at its worse and I am considering calling my boss today telling her I can't work until I figure everything out (since I'm not really sure what is causing my anxiety). However, I'm afraid of moving away from home and going to a new college (I'll be transferring). I keep thinking about how big the campus will be since I'm transferring from a fairly small community college. I keep thinking about all the people, the large crowds, the big classes, etc. and I can't help but feel that my anxiety might take over so much that I will want to drop out. This happened in highschool because of my dental experience, but I haven't really experienced it until recently. I don't know how I will be feeling in a couple months so I shouldn't already be thinking about dropping out, but it is a worry of mine...

Welcome to forum kaybeee. Transferring from one college to another is definitely a stressful life event so don't feel bad that you are afraid or anxious about it. I would definitely recommend seeing a doctor about your anxiety, so I'm glad that you already have an appointment for this week. I know how it feels to be worried about transferring colleges because I developed anxiety in college myself. My anxiety was mainly triggered my stress and a few different life events.
There are a variety of different ways to approach treating your anxiety: meditation, CBT and medication are only a few of the options that you have.
In terms of the forum definitely check out a few of the sticky's there is some very useful information in those threads. Hope this was helpful.