View Full Version : Re-starting a past SSRI

07-12-2014, 05:01 PM
I was on Lexapro for 5 years for GAD and panic. It worked well for the GAD but I did occasionally (4 or 5 times a year) have a minor panic attack. Usually this was during my "girls time". After the 5 years, my insurance insisted I go on the generic version. I tried it for 9 months but anxiety slowly crept up and finally I was back to having full blown panic attacks. Fed up, I went off the meds (with docs consent). I was med free for 8-9 months but wasn't doing well. A lot of ups and downs, tearfulness, insomnia, the list goes on.
In April I was put on generic Zoloft. It's been three months but I see very little difference. I'm a little better (few if any panic attacks) but the GAD isn't changed much. Doc added buspirone and that seems to help a little but I'm still nervous on and off and can't stop asking myself, "How do you feel now?".
My question is, if I were to go back on Lexapro, possibly the name brand, could it possibly work again? Has anyone else ever stopped a med that seemed to stop working but later go back and it worked again? I understand there are a lot of
choices out there, but I'm sensitive to these drugs and fed up with try this for several months, and if it doesn't work, try this for several months and if it doesn't work...you get the idea. Thanks for your help. :)

07-12-2014, 05:17 PM
Since I'm brand new here, I may not be the best to offer advice, but since I am going through something nearly identical I'll offer my 2 cents. I used to be on Citalopram, switched to Fluoxetine, and it worked so well I decided to stop taking it. I felt fine until this summer, when my anxiety came back with a vengeance, and now I'm back on Fluoxetine. Not entirely sure if it's working....I'm certainly feeling some side effects, among them higher anxiety, so I'm crossing my fingers it will work again. But I'm feeling confident that it will work....eventually. But I certainly do feel like I'm getting used to those side effects all over again. It seems my body forgot I was once on this.

07-12-2014, 09:41 PM
Hi Jgirl,

It isn't unheard of that the name brand works better for some people than the generic. If you go the route of the name brand, have your doc specify the name brand on the prescription, I would think in those cases the insurance company may agree to pay for it.

Good luck!

07-12-2014, 11:58 PM
If you go the route of the name brand, have your doc specify the name brand on the prescription, I would think in those cases the insurance company may agree to pay for it.

Not necessarily. When inquiring if a prescription was for generics (I wanted to save money) my doctor had told me that the insurance company will ONLY allow generics to be prescribed when one exists. They simply won't pay for brand names if there's another option.

07-12-2014, 11:58 PM
I'd look into 5-htp or tryphtophan. They are both natural and both convert into serotonin. Lexapro is an SSSRI which effects the serotonin levels in the brain. If that helped you than the 5-htp or tryptophan should help even more with no side effects. They work almost immediately and you can stop them cold turkey with no issues. They actually replenish your serotonin levels instead of effecting the reuptake of it like an SSRI. Its worth a shot. Read reviews at iherb.com or amazon. You can order there or you can find them in most health food stores.