View Full Version : anxiety slowly getting better.

06-02-2008, 07:47 PM
perhaps the best decision I ever made was to accept and 'go with' the symptoms. don't fight them and try not to analyze everything. I know it's nearly impossible at times to ignore symptoms, but it CAN be done.

I have been of klonopin now for 2 days, and I feel I'm making a bit of progress. The attacks have slowed to one every few days rather than one every night.

a couple things

If you're afraid you're having a heart attack, you're not having one. A heart attack has is usually accompanied by terrible left shoulder/arm/neck and chest pain, not chest pain alone. Notice how when you breathe, relax and tell yourself it's a panic attack that your 'heart attack' goes away? I'm not patronizing you as this was perhaps one of my greatest fears.

You aren't going crazy and this will pass. The derealization will at times make you feel completely different from others or that you are in a different world, but people who are psychotic or 'crazy' have no idea they are going crazy due to their lack of insight. So rest assured that once you accept your disorder that you will notice you have a firm grip on yourself and your sanity.

Now folks, I'm not saying I'm 100% cured. Some of us might never be. All I'm saying is that I'm making small steps, and I feel it is working.
