View Full Version : Belief in Jesus: an option for those seeking help

Prayer for Anxiety
07-08-2014, 08:49 PM
<This post is not meant to be a place to debate or ridicule religion. It is meant to be offered as an option for those who are suffering. Please be respectful to those who seek help of this kind. Thank you.>

When I practiced internal medicine, I realized that a huge percentage of my patients had mental health issues.

According to the W.H.O., mental health problems have become the leading cause of disease burden in the developing world. I treated many patients with multiple illnesses such as anxiety, depression, diabetes, asthma, and heart disease. Early in my career, the anxious or "complicated" patients frustrated me to no end. They - in fact - made me anxious.

Many of my patients had been under the care of psychiatrists and/or psychologists for years without getting better. I learned to do my best to support them, however, there were a handful of complicated cases that never seemed to get better.

After accepting Jesus Christ into my life, my whole practice changed. I remember one day vividly, sitting in my office about to see a patient that was incredibly complicated, depressed, and anxious. I recall thinking, "I have to treat this person as if it was Jesus himself." My treatment style changed radically from that day forward- my life changed radically too. And I discovered a way to help complicated patients get better biologically, psychologically, and spiritually.

I shared my faith with patients that were receptive, and I saw them start to heal in a way that years of conventional care never achieved. I encouraged them to seek God and this eventually freed them from years of suffering.

The Christian faith may not be for everyone, however, for many it has been a great aid in overcoming anxiety, panic, and depression.

For those that are seeking answers to the most profound questions in their lives, faith in Christ offers answers.

Modern medicine, meditation, cognitive behavioral therapy, etc... may provide helpful coping techniques. Healing at a profound spiritual level requires other methods such as prayer.

If you are looking for help and haven't found it anywhere else, why not try asking God to help you today?

07-09-2014, 01:47 PM
While there is certainly nothing wrong with praying to Jesus, if it relieves your anxiety or makes you feel better, you could also pray to someone else. For example, as I suggested in another thread, you could pray to Barney the Dinosaur. He is a nice shade of purple and tries to make people happy. As best I can tell, no wars have been fought in his name. And the folks who believe in Barney do not tend to tell others that they must believe in Barney or else they will go to Hell. Instead, the folks who like Barney don't mind if you like Smokey the Bear and someone else likes Buzz Lightyear.

So if you want to pray to Jesus, then more power to you (so long as you don't seek to impose your beliefs on others). But if you are looking for someone to pray to, there are lots of options -- including, though certainly not limited to, Barney!

07-09-2014, 02:14 PM
I don't think they will be to happy you putting Jesus on the same parallel as Barney the Dinosaur! but you make a good point about wars and all the threats of eternal damnation.

07-09-2014, 02:44 PM
Belief in life not Jesus helps. Just belief itself helps, doesn't have to have all these features

07-09-2014, 02:48 PM
Prayer for anxiety did not mention hell or eternal damnation once. No fingers were pointed at anyone. He even went as far as saying, "it isn't for everyone". He even gave a disclaimer at the top making sure to not stir up trouble. What is wrong with a post like this?

07-09-2014, 02:51 PM
The term jesus, makes me want to debate haha

My mistake

07-09-2014, 06:17 PM
When I practiced internal medicine, I realized that a huge percentage of my patients had mental health issues.


You are a medical doctor on an anxiety forum?

Clearly the ridiculous amount of threads must have escaped your attention such as "help I think I'm having a heart attack", "help I think I have cancer" , "help I think I'm having a stroke" "help I'm afraid I have a brain tumour" " help my medication is giving me side effects" , "help I HAVE NO HEALTH INSURANCE.....WHICH IS PROBABLY THE SOLE REASON I AM ON A FORUM ASKING FOR HELP"?????

Seriously, you could be doing SO much more to help here, than simply prescribing Christ.

07-09-2014, 07:05 PM
Hi 14 finally:))) I miss your posts, I started to laugh like hyena after reading about his profession....it is another lie, doctors answer when someone is crying for help :)

07-09-2014, 11:47 PM
Prayer for anxiety did not mention hell or eternal damnation once. No fingers were pointed at anyone. He even went as far as saying, "it isn't for everyone". He even gave a disclaimer at the top making sure to not stir up trouble. What is wrong with a post like this?

The eternal damnation comes later! you have to find your young vulnerable convert first, feed them full of medieval mumbo jumbo the eternal damnation is used to control them in the future. We all know why you lot are here! there is a steady stream of vulnerable people for you to prey on.

07-10-2014, 08:41 AM
Cullie I just love you!!!! You are awesome:)) tree hugger :)

07-10-2014, 09:15 AM
After accepting Jesus Christ into my life, my whole practice changed. I remember one day vividly, sitting in my office about to see a patient that was incredibly complicated, depressed, and anxious. I recall thinking, "I have to treat this person as if it was Jesus himself." My treatment style changed radically from that day forward- my life changed radically too. And I discovered a way to help complicated patients get better biologically, psychologically, and spiritually.

Should you all adopt the same style as our good doctor, you would see the same beneficial results. Treat others how you would treat yourself was not the perfect ideal, because most of you treat yourselves badly, and thus out of the mouth comes all sorts of ignorance, intolerance, and cruelty out of fear for what you will not understand.

I myself have been continually and relentlessly ridiculed, defamed, by the one above me here (prev. page) whos emotions sway with the wind.

Now it would behoove you who take offense at your brothers opinions and beliefs to be more accepting rather fhan rigid, for the more rigid your beliefs get, the harder your arteries get, you see. It should go hand in hand, that you have troubles with your heart, until you open it. Not to those you like or agree with, anyone can do that. But to those you hate, period, no exceptions.

The ideal for the religion was the Christ, and that ideal has helped our good doctor.

The next post I expect (next few) will be of some sort of defamation and ignorance, intolerance, and unacceptance, this will be your Judas, so keep an eye out. Remembering what the heart hath spoketh. Through them. That is the real person.

07-10-2014, 09:57 AM
I'm Suffering: Are you prepared to practice what you preach -- opening your mind and your heart to those with whom you disagree? For example, are you prepared to open your mind and your heart to views such as these:

1. Religion has been, on the whole, a destructive force in society, and the world would be better off if it were eliminated?

2. Those who pray to Jesus are deluding themselves -- he was just a normal guy and praying to him is no more useful than praying to a pet rock or to Barney the Dinosaur?

3. Prayer to a deity has absolutely no useful role in treating anxiety, and is just as likely to exacerbate anxiety as it is to help with it.

I am not saying that I believe these propositions. (Indeed, I acknowledge that religion has helped some people). But I am questioning whether you are as open minded to other views as you would like others to be to your views. It is not easy to be truly open-minded to views with which you strongly disagree.

07-10-2014, 10:28 AM
I'm Suffering: Are you prepared to practice what you preach -- opening your mind and your heart to those with whom you disagree? For example, are you prepared to open your mind and your heart to views such as these:

1. Religion has been, on the whole, a destructive force in society, and the world would be better off if it were eliminated?

2. Those who pray to Jesus are deluding themselves -- he was just a normal guy and praying to him is no more useful than praying to a pet rock or to Barney the Dinosaur?

3. Prayer to a deity has absolutely no useful role in treating anxiety, and is just as likely to exacerbate anxiety as it is to help with it.

I am not saying that I believe these propositions. (Indeed, I acknowledge that religion has helped some people). But I am questioning whether you are as open minded to other views as you would like others to be to your views. It is not easy to be truly open-minded to views with which you strongly disagree.

Yes, I am understanding to all views. Now where there are some misguided souls in all areas of life, those that would grotesquely exaggerate an idea to fit a purpose. I have learned over time to love is more productive, because should I shout in protest or hate, I am immediately attracted to that probable experience that I so shouted against.

Now, how can John Lennon be shot such a violent death when all you need is love? You cannot hate violence and stay clear of it, it is the law. You must be free of the attachment to it, by feeling nothing either way. Thus allowing the world to operate in those areas without your involvement. Should you feel strongly about it, you are attracted to it, its events, its peoples, and draw yourself the experience.

The goal then for someone abused or vicimized by religion say, is to release and heal, to love self again, true releasing would mean no feeling either way when confronted, say here in a topic, and so you allow it.

You live in your own created world, and that magical place can include anything and everything. It is easier said than done to love and forgive your murderer, but that is thy challenge, thy purpose, not to go to the grave in hate, for listen, you will come out of it in hate and do it all over again until you set the self right.

Understanding religion as an ideal now, (with a human persona)with no distortions, has helped our doctor to treat his patients with more caring, empathy, love, as if they were his own child. And this my friend is a good thing.

I can go forever, there is much information, but this is enough for now.

When you can think of a topic that previously challenged you, with nary a blink of the eye or emotion, then you have overcome that life lesson

As a sidenote, I am certainly no better than anyone here, as some of you suggest I am arrogant (that was the nicest term used). Ive just got a message to give sometimes that is all.

07-11-2014, 01:46 AM
You say that the medical and theraputic root provides helpful coping mechanisms and yet portray religion to stand clear of a coping mechanism and provie tangible, long lasting relief? I think that meditation would be far more beneficial than prayer.

It's interesting how the OP has not returned to this thread since creating it. CBT, and meditation and unravelling the stressors in your life and challenging and overcoming them will help you overcome your anxiety. These aren't "coping techniques". These are practices that you must do on a daily basis. it's often the case that people get better with therapy but then relapse because they slip back into bad habits.

It's not a case of simply healing anxiety. People with anxiety are bad at handling stress, negative emotions etc in their life. Ergo, the knowledge and teachings in therapy require daily practice, dedication and willpower. Taking comfort in religion is no more than a placebo effect. Expecting instant relief from the burden of anxiety in any way shape or form is merely exercising safety behaviours.


07-11-2014, 03:30 AM
Again - I think the responses given with only a page or two thus far, clearly show that the topic is not well suited to such a forum.

Contention remains for the better part by those who continue to criticize others, yet rarely participate in anything encouraging (or shared something of worth, something of themselves) and or heed their own prescriptions ... I think within a short amount of time over several threads now - The Manipulators of this forum have exposed themselves more than they know.

I've learned my lesson, and remain open to civilized conversation.

No quoting necessary - just pull up a chair, take a seat and lets see where this leads. Look at how the children relish in such bickering. If only people would seek to take their own advice. Is it really so hard to talk without naming names, and in such a sour tone. Seriously the objections noted on me and now this. Sigh ...

Pam, I heed your advice on energy expenditure (Good call - I appreciate the tip much) however my acknowledgement here come easily to me without much despair :) ... Your right ... "sometimes" a point comes from the madness ... that one I'll pay. Without nary the blink of an eye or emotion - but one must be careful not to become heartless in that process.

I love Cully too - in an appropriate way of course. :)

I have no bad words for anyone ... polishes his Hallo. Just kidding.

Peace out Guys. ;)

07-11-2014, 05:23 AM
Again - I think the responses given with only a page or two thus far, clearly show that the topic is not well suited to such a forum......

Pam, I heed your advice on energy expenditure (Good call - I appreciate the tip much) however my acknowledgement here come easily to me without much despair :) ... Your right ... "sometimes" a point comes from the madness ... that one I'll pay. Without nary the blink of an eye or emotion - but one must be careful not to become heartless in that process.

Peace out Guys. ;)

One doesnt need to police themself, or be zealous for or against. You cannot apply the rulebook from 2000 years ago, trying to control unruly people, to today, although by the exaggerated zealots, they would prefer to keep it line by line. The ideals remain sound, unfortunately those whom you came in contact with growing up felt more repressed, restricted, and thus the outbursts of terror, so to speak. What they felt inside they could not explain, or control, these 'urges', coupled with the ideas of sin, they blamed some 'demon' attack on their already vulnerable soul. They interpreted their scripture literally now, when originally it was a metaphor for a state of mind. Sin and the devil then become the cornerstone that one continually fights against, and that is a losing battle for they were fighting an illusion.

There is no need to be ever watchful of the self, your outbursts are not all and only because of some repressed emotions teetering on a volcanic explosion, you believe yourself capable of such things, fearful of hurting others, when in truth, you are simply reacting to the policing of self, the need to be ever watchful, because the self was told it is inherently sinful. This the soul becomes naturally rebellious against.

The scripture was written by wise men who knew the double meaning. Those of higher knowledge could benefit from the ideals between the lines (metaphysics), while hoping to tame the behaviour of the masses. Truly believing in a hell, these poor souls who hurt you (and others), felt they are damned if the do, and damned if they dont. I hope to instill empathy towards your aggressors, because indeed they are in a private hell, and need prayer, not hate. Prayer and love.

Now, nothing could be further from the truth. The self is inherently loving, open, cooporative, social, it cannot be blamed with a blanket statement, "religion", and so you can to some degree, release it (negetive associations with it), and yes, nary blink an eye in the face of it.

The most important statement I have made since joining the forums, if nothing else is taken away :

When you can think of a topic that previously challenged you, with nary a blink of the eye or emotion, then you have overcome that life lesson

It is not to worry about being heartless, for you and your peers here are full of heart. Those that acted heartless, or do act heartless, either in your past or present, do so because they feel separated from a loved object, separated from love, icy and cold is the hatred, for their coveted desires are so far out of reach. To be good, they are told, you must act this way and that, so the desired object becomes "goodness" that they cannot obtain, things become distorted, and cruel, and because they cannot resist their internal urges now (conflicts how they should and should not act), they become in their own eyes sinful, such a thing plays heavily on the soul, so they begin to hate the very religion they loved, because they feel separated from it, period.

It is not their fault, it was not certainly your fault, and I am here to tell you the truth, so the game can end. And you can begin to live again.

That is all, given in love. For those that do not understand what has just been said, do not hate me now, for one day hopefully you will connect.

This is truly one for the books. And as a sidenote, this does belong here, I am helping you and others to understand what happens, and why it happens, and thus you are just a little bit more able to file it away, under "my lessons learned", but no longer in the hate column, but in the love and understanding one. Love for yourself, and for those who hurt you, because they themselves are undergoing their own very difficult challenges too.

Our good friend prayerforanxiety, or Vince, is coming to grips with his religious beliefs as well, just from the other side of your coin. So he is here for understanding as he too believes in the struggle of the message and acceptance. Because of these beliefs he is finding opposition here, you see. Now, the 2 sides are part of the same coin, one only needs to flip it over to see his brother. Blinded by the coin itself, into believing it truly has only one side (illusion). We teach what we have to learn, period.

Now to Dahila, or anyone else with the inkling, you do not have to respond in some defaming manner, with insults, musings, lashings, references to scifi tv shows, or any general bullying, you have already done so, and I have seen the posts.

Have a fond good afternoon, or evening.

Prayer for Anxiety
07-11-2014, 09:13 AM
Dear Ponder,

Now that some of the smoke has cleared, I feel that I owe you a direct reply. First of all, if there was anything in any of my posts that hurt you, I apologize. This was never my intention. Also, any type of abuse you suffered from any one is inexcusable.

When I first came to this forum I posted on a thread that asked the specific question “Has religion made your anxiety and depression better or worse?” My responses upset some people, including you, even though I stayed on topic.

Then I posted my first thread (Christian theme) that I thought might be useful for some.

I was welcomed with ridicule, profanity, and derision after just 3 posts and ONE new thread. So be it. I know this comes with the territory.

So I tried to start other threads with this header:

<This post is not meant to be a place to debate or ridicule religion. It is meant to be offered as an option for those who are suffering. Please be respectful to those who seek help of this kind. Thank you.>

And in every single case I was met with the same response (this thread itself is a testimony to this fact). Those who came to this board interested in a Christian POV certainly came away confused by the content found on every thread I tried to start. I didn't come here to debate religion, but everyone else seemed to want to.

You may not believe me, but I understand your hardship much more than you might imagine. I hold nothing against you in any way.

Also, your earlier apology moved me, even if it wasn’t meant for me.

As far as being helpful… this forum is a place to share experiences about our struggles and victories. Mine, and others that I know, have found this through their Christian faith. Why is this message prohibited?

It wasn’t the message that hurt you – it was a person.

There are those who have been hurt by school teachers – should we ban conversation about educational institutions (remember the Penn State scandal)? Of course not - education has value - but sometimes educators are evil - as are some priests, pastors, plumbers, doctors, psychiatrists, lawyers, moms, and dads.

I will try to please you as best I can. But I - like you - will not compromise my convictions.

Ironically, I feel that we have much more in common than anybody realizes.


Prayer for Anxiety
07-11-2014, 09:46 AM
One more thing... I am thankful for all that I am learning here.
I have many lessons to learn, and you are all teaching me.
Thank you all very much.

07-11-2014, 11:01 AM
Prayer I think you do have knowledge about love and acceptance, I do.
What I think you are lacking is using it in real life. I have to dig into tenth page to uncover posts that were never answered; post that are cry for help. Where are then?
Please show me the people who found your threads helpful, who can give us some testimony... I do believe in goodness in everyone, and I am lacking everything but love. You did not get me man at all. Must be the way I communicate in English.
I accept people with different religions and overlook that. When they are good people, they are good, no questions asked. I have my believes too, but I do not push them on anyone with the fancy vocabulary.
People who are helping others are not usually self-promoted, they are humble and listen to others, they help when someone asks for help.
There is a group of people who are all religions and different nationalities, group who met here and run away after all this nonsense. I am honored to be in this group. It is not here, it was an answer to forum decline....
I am here only because many people like me, and think I am helpful. I like my friends here also. I am not here to put you down, if so I would rather teach you how to accept and love.
You type "love" but is means nothing, nothing at all. It is the art for art....
get of your seat and help people, instead of covering pages with maybe good but unnecessary writing.
Would you like me to apologize for insulting you? I do not feel I did, but you got the apology, I have no problem with it.
I be rather everyone's friend than enemy, less energy spend on hate:)

Prayer for Anxiety
07-11-2014, 01:14 PM
Hi Dahila - Thank you for your thoughts on this. I understand what you feel since my message does not reach your heart. You feel that there is no love in it. But there are others that hear the message, and they feel love. I know you are trying to help, but it sounds so much full of criticism and not care. Dear Dahila, have you nothing to learn?

07-11-2014, 05:54 PM
Prayer lets leave it at that. I hope you right and good:)

07-11-2014, 06:11 PM
Thanks guys, I know we are trying now to get along. I know video communication is not for everyone, however I felt it was the best way for me to express myself. So with all of you in mind - I explain how I can be such a pain in the but but also how I later am sorry for it and also a little on how the forum dynamics be what they are and that I for one want to move on. I can not think of all the words to say like a well thought out post - although I did have some things on my mind I wanted to try and say --- It's just my attempt to be honest and yet I know my faults still show in it ... I still do it because those that matter will understand that I am really not meaning to attack people on a personal level - The whole topic is a geniune triger, but I remain now open and truly am sorry ... but lets move on as best we can and learn to respect and understand each other is all.

we are all here with many like wise --- hmmm --- similarities and lets work on the and learn to get along as is hard for many of us --- lets learn to moderate ourselves.. anyways - please excuse the sun in my eyes and how serious I look --- appearances can be deceiving and yet another things to learn ... over all --- I say sorry more than anything else. I real would like to get along with all of you. Will try at anyrate.


07-11-2014, 07:26 PM
This thread is like a seed in the ground and that seed has gotten a little water and is starting to swell but it just needs a little more water to bust through that dirt. I feel it is going to get the water it needs, i really do. Peace to all of us. :0)

07-11-2014, 07:39 PM
Thanks guys, I know we are trying now to get along. I know video communication is not for everyone, however I felt it was the best way for me to express myself. So with all of you in mind - I explain how I can be such a pain in the but but also how I later am sorry for it and also a little on how the forum dynamics be what they are and that I for one want to move on. I can not think of all the words to say like a well thought out post - although I did have some things on my mind I wanted to try and say --- It's just my attempt to be honest and yet I know my faults still show in it ... I still do it because those that matter will understand that I am really not meaning to attack people on a personal level - The whole topic is a geniune triger, but I remain now open and truly am sorry ... but lets move on as best we can and learn to respect and understand each other is all.

we are all here with many like wise --- hmmm --- similarities and lets work on the and learn to get along as is hard for many of us --- lets learn to moderate ourselves.. anyways - please excuse the sun in my eyes and how serious I look --- appearances can be deceiving and yet another things to learn ... over all --- I say sorry more than anything else. I real would like to get along with all of you. Will try at anyrate.


Who was that in the video, Tom Cruise?

That was too cool. I thought that huntsman on the wall was going to drop right on you :) scared the hell outta me.

Seriously though :) thanks Dave...

07-11-2014, 07:56 PM
THIS THREAD IS BECOMING BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!! Ponder, Prayer, Suffering.... takes a lot of guts to apologize and work it out, super duper proud of you all!!!! Keep it up we can all help each other!!!!

07-11-2014, 08:14 PM
Dave the video is simply beautiful, full of good energy:)
I loved the quality of sound (important for my understanding) and quality of picture. I had read your lips also which helps tremendously, the message was important, to us and to you. For the ones who do not understand about reading lips; I have hearing loss. Thank Dave, I am moved to tears;)

07-11-2014, 09:53 PM
Ponder your a good guy. It takes a real man to do something like that. I know I let the anger get the best of me in my attempts to defend my faith and I'm sorry for that. So much gets lost in translation over the internet. I think if we had all met in person we would hit it off. I hope everyone can learn from all of this and we can reach a certain peace within the forum. We have enough in our lives to battle with. We don't need to battle each other. Peace.

07-12-2014, 04:18 AM
Thanks for this post Prayer... I am a Christian and I, too have found that prayer helps.

07-12-2014, 06:54 AM
I am reposting here from page 3 because I added some that I received about scripture, and a little about why men do what they do in the name of religion. I hope to edify in the process. There are some who are so afraid of themselves, because of misguided interpretation. Shedding some light on why men commit such acts against their fellows in the name of religious beliefs. Scripture is truly for those with ears to hear, for the hidden meanings were intentional. The whole book has an alternate code or meaning. I will describe a few here :

One doesnt need to police themself, or be zealous for or against. You cannot apply the rulebook from 2000 years ago, trying to control unruly people, to today, although by the exaggerated zealots, they would prefer to keep it line by line. The ideals remain sound, unfortunately those whom you came in contact with growing up felt more repressed, restricted, and thus the outbursts of terror, so to speak. What they felt inside they could not explain, or control, these 'urges', coupled with the ideas of sin, they blamed some 'demon' attack on their already vulnerable soul. They interpreted their scripture literally now, when originally it was a metaphor for a state of mind. Sin and the devil then become the cornerstone that one continually fights against, and that is a losing battle for they were fighting an illusion.

There is no need to be ever watchful of the self, your outbursts are not all and only because of some repressed emotions teetering on a volcanic explosion, you believe yourself capable of such things, fearful of hurting others, when in truth, you are simply reacting to the policing of self, the need to be ever watchful, because the self was told it is inherently sinful. This the soul becomes naturally rebellious against.

The scripture was written by wise men who knew the double meaning. Those of higher knowledge could benefit from the ideals between the lines (metaphysics), while hoping to tame the behaviour of the masses. Truly believing in a hell, these poor souls who hurt you (and others), felt they are damned if the do, and damned if they dont. I hope to instill empathy towards your aggressors, because indeed they are in a private hell, and need prayer, not hate. Prayer and love.

Jesus knew this now, and so He did not come for men of the cloth, for they were running wild, or the rulers or tax men. He knew the state of mind and the misguided mortal interpretations of the Word. Jesus was a mystic, high in metaphysical practice, thus He knew the beliefs He was up against. He came to counterbalance the old views with a gentler, kinder perspective. The Jews especially were hardened, so He was born one of them, to try and reach out. Ultimately being rejected (the stone that the builder refused).Love thy neighbor now, even those you hate, because He knew hatred kills the self, and the hatred strengthens and spreads to those of like mind who are open to such mental suggestions (law of attraction). So He taught love and forgiveness.

From Matthew 18 for example:

"If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. 7 Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come" Here He refers to a persons beliefs, and how thoughts, expectations, shape reality from a metaphysical perspective. Through the spoken word and auto-suggestion can one influence a susceptible mind. The sea and millstone is a metaphor for the weight of their own suffering, or guilt, as the hate eats away and works against the psyche, destroying the egos ability to see and think clearly. This is not physical death, but mental, which is worse.

Many of todays preachers believe this is literal you see, so the urges they feel inside have to be surpressed, or they should be cast out into hell. Never facing them, they eventually manifest as the energy becomes overwhelming. Abusing children they are certain of their own death, but the energy cannot be contained.

This is akin to your frequent eruptions, they are simply a release of energies. But until the core belief is resolved, they are always festering and building below the surface.

Now, the self is inherently loving, open, cooporative, social, it cannot be blamed with a blanket statement, "religion", and so you can to some degree, release it (negetive associations with it), and yes, nary blink an eye in the face of it.

The most important statement I have made since joining the forums, if nothing else is taken away :

When you can think of a topic that previously challenged you, with nary a blink of the eye or emotion, then you have overcome that life lesson

It is not to worry about being heartless, for you and your peers here are full of heart. Those that acted heartless, or do act heartless, either in your past or present, do so because they feel separated from a loved object, separated from love, icy and cold is the hatred, for their coveted desires are so far out of reach. To be good, they are told, you must act this way and that, so the desired object becomes "goodness" that they cannot obtain, things become distorted, and cruel, and because they cannot resist their internal urges now (conflicts how they should and should not act), they become in their own eyes sinful, such a thing plays heavily on the soul, so they begin to hate the very religion they loved, because they feel separated from it, period.

It is not their fault, it was not certainly your fault, and I am here to tell you the truth, so the game can end. And you can begin to live again.

That is all, given in love. For those that do not understand what has just been said, do not hate me now, for one day hopefully you will connect.

This is truly one for the books. And as a sidenote, this does belong here, I am helping you and others to understand what happens, and why it happens, and thus you are just a little bit more able to file it away, under "my lessons learned", but no longer in the hate column, but in the love and understanding one. Love for yourself, and for those who hurt you, because they themselves are undergoing their own very difficult challenges too.

Our good friend prayerforanxiety, or Vince, is coming to grips with his religious beliefs as well, just from the other side of your coin. So he is here for understanding as he too believes in the struggle of the message and acceptance. Because of these beliefs he is finding opposition here, you see. Now, the 2 sides are part of the same coin, one only needs to flip it over to see his brother. Blinded by the coin itself, into believing it truly has only one side (illusion). We teach what we have to learn, period.

Now to Dahila, or anyone else with the inkling, you do not have to respond in some defaming manner, with insults, musings, lashings, references to scifi tv shows, or any general bullying, you have already done so, and I have seen the posts.

Have a fond good afternoon, or evening

End and complete at 10:37 am, no further revisions

07-12-2014, 08:57 AM
I am suffering, I do not respond with bullying, I do not. Reference to scifi was to make people smile and lighten the mood. Dave accepts you and it is good enough not to continue any of this. I think spending my energy on religious posts does not do me good.
If faith helps you to survive harsh life , then be it. It is everyone choice. I amsuffering I am sorry if you see me as an enemy , because I am not .. Have a good weekend everyone:)

Prayer for Anxiety
07-14-2014, 12:11 PM
This is what I call divine economy. It takes something that looks unsolvable and makes it wonderfully perfect.

I just watched your video Dave - incredible. Thank you so very much. In my short time here - I have learned a so much.
It takes a lot to humble me. This is something I struggle with - my pride - but you've done it. And I thank you for this.

Please don't feel threatened by me. I'm not asking anyone to agree with me, but I hope to have a tremendous dialog. Ponder has opened wide the door.

Your actions, Dave, are profoundly Christian.
Bless you brother,