View Full Version : I'm back from London! A few insights about my anxiety I got from it.

07-05-2014, 09:41 AM
I really enjoyed my holiday in London, we did so much even though it was 3 days It felt like just one long day, never slept for more than half an hour haha
I've never been in an environment like that so it was really useful to have that experience!

I did however have a very lot of anxiety while there and had one massive panic attack.
The London underground was what triggered it I think, because of two things it created, vertigo a lot of it and just sheer derealization. I would get off the tube all staggering and with the surroundings spinning then because of that panic.
Also we all went to the IMAX in Leicester square, the 3D movements caused vertigo as well.
The massive panic attack was when we all bought a good meal near the end in Leicester square, I was having severe vertigo at that time but I insisted on buying food......Half way through the meal it hit....I started hyperventilating ( a new wonderful symptom) and had head pressure plus aggravated vertigo, oh and also nausea.....I just walked down the stairs and left to sit on the grass in the square, it was a good hour before I calmed down. The worst one I've had.

This all didn't detract from the great experience I had though :)

On a side note, as it was really hot there I needed to drink plenty of water, and I have this weird phobia of dehydration. It was obsessive I drank so much and when I couldn't drink when I wanted to I panicked! Why?

The hostel we stayed in was really hot at night and you could imagine the problems that caused......

All this has made me realise that I need therapy of some kind, before it goes out of control I guess. So is this a good idea? Would this benefit me? Dealing with it all on my own is alright and all but when that panic hits it's just unleashed, I can't stop it it seems......spontaneous, hard, potent and just petrifying.

07-06-2014, 10:59 AM
No reply's? I tend to see no reply's on the internet as having no reply to a question in a face to face conversation.

07-06-2014, 03:34 PM
I would say that therapy is definitely a good idea! It will help u deal with things better and maybe change your way of thinking. I've recently finished some talking therapy over the phone and, although I'm not 100% fine, i do feel a hell of a lot better than I did before. Sometimes I find it just helps having someone to talk to?