View Full Version : Quick question - working out

06-25-2014, 04:17 PM
Hey guys, long time no C.

I've been working out alot and I noticed that everytime I do work out, my heartrate stays up at like 100-110 bpm for 6-12 hours. Is it normal? or am I working out wrong maybe?

My friend is up at 180 bpm when working out - 5 minutes later, he's down at 70-80.

Thanks! :)


06-25-2014, 04:52 PM
Everyone's heart rate will be different because everyone's fitness levels are not the same. I was advised to take exercise carefully only because making ur heart race through anxiety sometimes can turn into a panic/anxiety attack purely because your body is so used to the racing heart. I imagine yours is fine remember everyone is different n also if you are worrying about ur heart rate not dropping ur potentially keeping it up from anxiety?

06-25-2014, 05:10 PM
Hey guys, long time no C.

I've been working out alot and I noticed that everytime I do work out, my heartrate stays up at like 100-110 bpm for 6-12 hours. Is it normal? or am I working out wrong maybe?

My friend is up at 180 bpm when working out - 5 minutes later, he's down at 70-80.

Thanks! :)


Hiya, Elias

That seems like a bit long of a time but I really don't know the answer. Maybe you are focusing on it so much that the anxiety is working in the background so your heart rate stays elevated?

Just a thought

Maybe it's just because everyone is a beautiful person in Sweden and the women just keep the heart rate up

You. Have to feel like a kid in a candy store every time you leave the house

06-25-2014, 05:53 PM
Everyone's heart rate will be different because everyone's fitness levels are not the same. I was advised to take exercise carefully only because making ur heart race through anxiety sometimes can turn into a panic/anxiety attack purely because your body is so used to the racing heart. I imagine yours is fine remember everyone is different n also if you are worrying about ur heart rate not dropping ur potentially keeping it up from anxiety?

My panic attacks stopped a long time ago, so I'm pretty sure I won't have an attack. Exercise makes me feel really good and it is one of the best cure against my anxiety. I know what you mean though, I was pretty afraid of that feeling at first, feeling my heart pumping and beating fast - just like a panic attack. But it didn't stop me from working out.

I had this even before I got my anxiety :|

Hiya, Elias

That seems like a bit long of a time but I really don't know the answer. Maybe you are focusing on it so much that the anxiety is working in the background so your heart rate stays elevated?

Just a thought

Maybe it's just because everyone is a beautiful person in Sweden and the women just keep the heart rate up

You. Have to feel like a kid in a candy store every time you leave the house

Haha Nixon, always make me laugh :D

I know it's not my anxiety, I had this before I got my anxiety. I think it's the women...

Haha, I think I'll have to get this checked by my doc.

To be honest, I do feel like kid in a candy store every time I leave the house. You should visit this candy store!