View Full Version : New here, some questions/Advice

06-21-2014, 04:51 AM
Hello.. How are you guys? I have some questions on my symptoms.. I'm 26,male and I have always been very health conscious and paranoid.
Long story short after a very stressful year, I began having panic attacks.. It started with just that, but I then began researching symptoms etc.. 6 months on my panic attacks are more like psychotic episodes which leave me out of it for at least 12 hours. Now I seem to have stopped the major attacks. I don't have depression, (I think)
But what happens a lot is:
One minute things are good, I could've just woken up, and then all of a sudden I start to feel very nauseas and my energy drops dramatically, I feel very dizzy. Then after half hour or so it slowly wares off.

Is this like a panic attack without the others symptoms?
I do have valium on hand if I need it however one of my phobias is taking medication so it's hard for me to be on anything. I refuse to take anti depressants.
Is even hard for me to take supplements, it just scares me.

Thoughts on the symptoms I'm getting?

06-21-2014, 06:08 AM
Hi Footsoldier and welcome to the forum, Not sure on the symptoms. I know inner ear problems can cause some of what you have described. Have you spoken to a doctor about what you have going on?

06-21-2014, 08:09 AM
John makes a good point about the inner ear.

You could also consider that people with panic/anxiety can have rapid fluctuations in blood pressure (harmless, just simply reacting to hormones created by the body during panic).

Many people report a sudden drop in BP when they have been relaxed/seated and then switch to standing/active, creating giddy/dizziness, lethargy (similar to the effects of low blood sugar).

If you are reluctant to go on meds/supplements you could speak to your doctor about talking therapy.

By dealing with the psychological aspects of panic you will ease the physical symptoms.

Best wishes :)

06-21-2014, 06:00 PM
What about medication? My dr has given me lexapro.
The reason I don't like AD is because I was on them several years ago and had a hard time coming off them

06-21-2014, 06:11 PM
What about medication? My dr has given me lexapro. The reason I don't like AD is because I was on them several years ago and had a hard time coming off them

It's something I would recommend you talk through with your doctor.

If you have had little success in the past, or anxiety about taking them again, I would ask to be referred for therapy (or combination of both).

The medication alone will only alleviate the symptoms, whereas (such as CBT) deals more with modifying thought process and behaviour.

Lexapro is one of the medications licensed for the treatment of anxiety, but often people taking citalopram for anxiety only, experience a flatline of mood they didn't have previously.

06-21-2014, 06:54 PM
I have had good luck with Lexapro improving my mood. My depression is secondary to my anxiety. The only things I don't like about Lexapro is it makes me tired and increases my appetite. Other than that, I like it better than other SSRI's I've tried.