View Full Version : was trying to quit cymbalta/DULoxetine

06-13-2014, 12:35 PM
I was on cymbalta for a very short time, maybe a total of a month. I decided to get off and try it on my own, I had been totally off sense May 29th or 30th.. first couple days were fine. One week later im very dizzy, light headed, or I like to say loopy. I cant do much physical or I loose my balance, but haven't fallen yet. I also wake up around 5am for about a week now and im drenched in sweat. Anyone else experience this? How long did it last?
I am reposting this, one because no one replied and two because I really need advice. I am still having side effects and my Dr says they should be gone and thinks its my anxiety... I gave up on june 7th and took one, the next 2 days I could function and then it came back again. Yesterday it was absolutely horrible *the side effects* and today I thought was better and its not so I actually just gave up and took another. One thought of mine, maybe im not cut out to be off. Not sure what else to say, I just need the thoughts from someone, anyone, im going crazy and all I wuna do is cry.

06-13-2014, 01:06 PM
You have to taper off these medications very slowly or else you will have dizziness,etc . You can't just take them one day and stop the next. I have to taper off so slowly it's ridiculous but that's just how I am. When I took Effexor, I had to open up the capsule and taper down by granules until i was down to 1 granule! Google how to get off cymbalta and you'll see others had to taper off slowly too, like gradually cutting down by 1/4 or even 1/8 until it slowly leaves your system...

06-14-2014, 04:01 PM
I was actually wondering if I could do it that way, I did pick one apart just because but wasnt sure of thats how it worked. My dr started me on 30mg and after a week he upped me to 60 mg, to start with I thought that was crazy. I was on a generic lexapro before this and when I stopped them cut them down to fourths before I quite. I guess thats probably why those went so easy.