View Full Version : Being prescribed Xanax and Klonopin?

06-13-2014, 07:23 AM
Hi, I am being prescribed Xanax by my regular GP, and my psychiatrist prescribed me Klonopin for one month. I ran out of the Klonopin (it's been 2 months) and I haven't requested a renewal. However I'm also running out of the Xanax. So I requested renewal on both, in case one Dr. doesn't give me either the Klonopin or Xanax (my GP said to see a psychiatrist for the anxiety so I'm not sure if she will renew the Xanax.) Is this illegal? I'm not trying to "Dr. Shop" I just wanted to cover myself in case, just so I don't go through withdrawals or panic attacks. Also, if I were to get both renewed, and picked both up, is that also illegal? I'm not abusing them in any way. But, I'm in the middle of switching psychiatrists so I don't want to run out and have nothing to use as a backup. Thank you for reading. Hopefully someone can help. BTW these prescriptions are both at the same pharmacy. I've picked up both before, and the pharmacist didn't say anything about it. Thanks.

06-13-2014, 07:34 AM
It's not illegal to take what the doctors prescribe you. Do you think you need both? Why don't you ask for a higher amount of pills from one or the other? Maybe ask to up your dosage?
I understand where you are coming from, as I just ran out of my anxiety medicine it makes me anxious just thinking about it.

06-13-2014, 07:53 AM
It's not illegal to take what the doctors prescribe you. Do you think you need both? Why don't you ask for a higher amount of pills from one or the other? Maybe ask to up your dosage?
I understand where you are coming from, as I just ran out of my anxiety medicine it makes me anxious just thinking about it.

Thank you, that puts me at ease. And I asked my GP to up my dose which is why she referred me to a psychiatrist. Do you know if there's a difference between the Xanax and Klonopin tolerance? I don't really take the Xanax much so I don't have a tolerance, but if I were to take it as prescribed (which I believe is unnecessary) I would build up a tolerance (or so to speak). Say .5 MG didn't do anything for me anymore, would it be the same with Klonopin? Thanks!

Update: I didn't answer your other question. I don't believe I need both, I just wanted to cover myself in case one Dr. didn't renew the script.

06-13-2014, 08:18 AM
Yes, the tolerance buildup is the same for both of those. That's why it's important we train ourselves to only take them when really needed. I need to practice what I preach, because i ran out and I have to wait weeks to see a psychiatrist. Good thing you planned ahead.

06-13-2014, 12:49 PM
I am on klonopin on 0.5 mg a day for probably 9 months, and I do not need to up it. I would prefer klonopin everytime over xanax; which is very addictive. Klonopin is addictive like all benzos but it has a very long time like 9 hours so you do not have to take more, I do not ask to docs for med , my psdoc provides prescription with the refills for me.

06-15-2014, 07:52 AM
When I first was prescribed benzos, 19 years ago, I was put on both clonazepam and Xanax. I did what my shrink told me to do. Never upped the dose. The Xanax was to help me sleep at night. I took it every night for 2 years and then decided to stop taking it cuz I didn't really feel I needed it any more. I would say as others have that Clonazepam is the safer of the two because it has a longer half-life. I, for the same reason, dislike Lorazepam, which is also a short acting benzos. I find short-acting benzos make me too conscious of going from calm to anxious, so that's why I don't like them. But they are great for emergencies: I took one for my dissertation defense, for example.

So, yes, there's nothing illegal about being prescribed the two drugs at once. But, it also depends on where you live and whom you see. Your GP was right to refer you to a psychiatrist -- if you want to up a dose, then figuring out why that's the case is really the job of a psychiatrist.

Your job in all of this is to take charge of your use. Know what the drugs can and can't do. They should be part of a larger toolbox of stress, anxiety mitigating plans of action.

I think the most important factor in a good relationship with a psychiatrist is someone whom you can trust and who also trusts you.

I have been taking clonazepam for 19 years and I feel just fine using it responsibly. I will take Xanax if I'm extra stressed, on an emergency basis.

Keep us informed about what your new therapist thinks.