View Full Version : Stern talking too required

06-12-2014, 01:11 PM
I can feel myself slipping into old habits and my anxiety is way high.
I've been in a panic for the last two days or so and I can't snap out of it. I've barely eaten, slept or done anything.
Yesterday was particularly bad. I started out feeling, hot, sick, dizzy, bad head. This all equaled too stroke leading to heart attack and my personal favourite which kept me up most of the night I was going to spontaneously combust. That's a childhood worry returning! (Yes I was a strange child). It was sitting in my sisters garden and she said I was terrible in the sun and was surprised I hadn't combust yet that set me off.

Today's ailments have been feeling hot, pressure headaches, no appetite, aching jaw all my top teeth hurt, tiredness, dizziness, racing heart, pressure in my cheekbones, numb arm, leg ache. Well of course I'm surprised I haven't had a stroke, heart attack, a deadly abscess on all my teeth oh are a blood clot.

I really can feel myself slipping to where I was and I really don't want to be there again.
Someone please help me snap out of this I'm sitting here in tears convinced I have some deadly infection and won't last the night.

Sorry people just I need some reassurance here and I hate being like this :-(


06-12-2014, 01:25 PM
Hey Hannah, Dont worry. For us its a slow but steady process. Some times you slip back and thats ok!

Now with your symptoms, you are being overly sensitive I can tell. Ever tick, every change in your body you are noticing and its making you go crazy with fear of a panic or anxiety attack.

So lets talk you through it. First why are you feeling that way? Is there anything around you making you feel anxious or bad or in danger? Im about 95% sure there is nothing right? You have to tell yourself this and you have to rationalize the situation.

Secondly think of yourself as a care free child. You know when you were young you didnt care about anything! Whats so different now, you didnt know that it was too hot or you felt dizzy, you just kept running around the field playing chasemaster with your classmates.

Its no different being older. Nothing is seriously wrong with you, we are just worried about the "LITTLE" changes in our body. Its nothing!

Now GO OUT INTO THE REAL WORLD AND HAVE FUN!!!!!!!! Go out and play "chasemaster" with your friends!!!!

06-12-2014, 01:27 PM
Please find some time to listen to some guided meditation or affirmations on youtube. They have helped me greatly to relieve my anxiety. I only have minor symptoms in comparison to yours, but perhaps you can find some relief following them. You will be fine.

06-12-2014, 01:28 PM
Hannah! Hello!

So you don't need me or anyone for that matter to tell you that you're obviously going back to your old habits as like you said you've seen it yourself! This is the old you Hannah and for you to even recognise that it tells me you have a lot more control/confidence than you realise.

My advice Hannah is not to fight it. I've come out of anxiety plenty of times and gone straight back in the same day! I guess you could say we all have our good/bad moments.

The ONE vital thing you can't do Hannah is worry. What are you worrying about? You've experienced this previously and you're now experiencing it again? ... Just stop for a second Hannah and look at yourself... Properly take a look at yourself. (I don't mean stand infront of the mirror)... You've had these feelings correct? You're probably going to experience new feelings along the line of this too! But look at the bigger picture Hannah? There's a way out.. I know that, you know that and every anxiety sufferer on this planet knows that (That's more than 50 million people! How's that for a thought :O)... You're in full control. You're just kidding yourself here Hannah. Relax. Take a deep breath. Acknowledge your feelings as memories.. This isn't you right now, this was you back when you suffered anxiety! Memories are strong Hannah and that's all they are.

You're in control.

06-12-2014, 01:55 PM
Thank you everyone it's just so frustrating feeling like this again.
I no I've had every symptom before and I was fine. I did try guided meditation to be honest I don't no why I stopped it was being helpful. I still take my meds daily I've had CBT!

I have had a little stress going on and perhaps that's what has triggered all this again.

Thanks to each of you all your advice is greatly appreciated.

06-12-2014, 01:58 PM
Also if Guided Meditation doesnt work you might want to give this a shot? I used it for a while and liked it!



06-12-2014, 02:45 PM
Well, where ever you live, get out and walk. Even if it's just a mall and you walk around inside it for 30 minutes, do that. But you've got to keep up an exercise pattern/schedule to support you during times like this.

06-12-2014, 02:46 PM
Try to get back to the meditation if it was being helpful. I know it's hard to do it when you're not feeling you need it, but you have to keep all these things up so that when the stress does come, it doesn't set you back like this.

06-12-2014, 03:23 PM
Thanks Anne its 22:20 here so I can't go out walking now but I think it's something I will try tomorrow instead of just sitting here in a panic. It's something I've never tried I've tried distraction but never just going for a walk to clear the panic.
Thank Anne :-)

06-12-2014, 03:24 PM
Also if Guided Meditation doesnt work you might want to give this a shot? I used it for a while and liked it!



Thanks exactice I haven't a chance to have a look at these videos but will have a look soon when I get off to bed.
Thanks :-)

06-12-2014, 06:51 PM
Hi Hanna, I just got on and i am sorry i did not see your post until now. please let me know how you are feeling when you get up. You and i both know that nott all those things are going to happen to you. The odds of one of those things happening is high and all of them at once................ lottery has a better odds. Now, you know that i have health anxiety like you so i have been there and i am sure i will be back, lol. Let me know.

06-12-2014, 07:34 PM
Hi Hannah, you know that i am with anxiety from early childhood. You probably know that I am grandma of 8 years old. Do you want to know how I survived all this F****** ?
I do meditate for 3 decades on and off.
Lately I discovered Jon Kabat Zinn and his guided meditation. I stick with him. He is awesome
Link to thread about guided meditation...:)
click me, please (http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?27912-Guided-Meditation&highlight=guided+meditation)

06-12-2014, 07:51 PM
I was feeling very anxious today and went to a park and walked for an hour. It calmed me down so much and was wonderful. My Psychiatrist tells me a lot of research shows that exercise can work wonders for anxiety. It does for me! I'd be in bad shape without my walks.