View Full Version : Anxiety when moving places?

05-26-2008, 08:31 AM
Wow i've never found a site like this before. This is such a blessing thanks people. Well I've been dealing with anxiety/depression for god knows how long. and I'm only 23 :'( It's so tough. Especially because I reckon I have a lot of good qualities. But my life is so hard.

Anyways, I wanna share something about my anxiety. Recently I just moved apartments. And suddenly without any notice I felt so scared. My psychologist said it was because I have Adaptational anxiety? I've moved every 3 years since I was a baby so that's why. And now I feel extremely scared. I suppose with time it will wear off but it hurts and its painful.

Does anyone share the same thing? I'm like a third culture kid. From Paris to Brazil to Singapore I've moved everywhere. and this is the result :(

Thanks for reading