View Full Version : Some stuff about my anxiety as I sit here on my laptop late at night...

06-09-2014, 10:12 PM
Hello, my name is James and I just joined the site. First, I have Tourettes Syndrome and OCD. I think I might have ADHD but it is too expensive to get tested.

I figure a site like this could help me with anxiety issues. I feel anxiety when I think of my responsibilities in life and I feel overwhelmed. I feel like hiding or wanting to sleep when this happens, and I feel down as well. As you may tell, I am someone that does not sound confident. I should be more productive in my life, but I get lazy often. I also do not have a social life.

I am sure there is someone that has to share this same situation with me.

06-10-2014, 04:44 AM
Hello, my name is James and I just joined the site. First, I have Tourettes Syndrome and OCD. I think I might have ADHD but it is too expensive to get tested.

I figure a site like this could help me with anxiety issues. I feel anxiety when I think of my responsibilities in life and I feel overwhelmed. I feel like hiding or wanting to sleep when this happens, and I feel down as well. As you may tell, I am someone that does not sound confident. I should be more productive in my life, but I get lazy often. I also do not have a social life.

I am sure there is someone that has to share this same situation with me.

I will give you a reading (print out and keep) : thus we begin-

If there ever was a kind soul, you are it James. I (we) feel you. How can you be expected to take center stage in your life when so many years you have practiced hiding in the backround. You are good at it. But you dont feel good doing it. You have always felt out of place, often humiliated and blamed yourself for all of it. What a rotten lot in life, I got.

Although supportive, your family really didnt know how to cope, or even to really help, so there was space between you, they thought it will work out for the best. But without a strong confident, loving and supportive role model, you cast yourself into the shadows.

In truth, you are a very strong identity, a strong spirit, because only the bravest among us set up a life where a tough physical challenge serves as the framework for personal growth. If you werent up for the task, you would be living a different life. Easier all around, a life of rest after one of the hard ones, do you understand?

You yourself have spent much time alone, resenting, beating yourself up for what you find so hard to accomplish. The problem, and here it is for you in black and white, all of this time alone has been destructive in a sense that you picture in your imagination all manner of dire circumstances should you live, experience or try!

You get what you focus upon.

You see, if you were to think obsessively about your courage, playfully daydreaming about love, peers, fun times, accomplishments, freedom, prosperity, health, happiness, confidence, value, worth - than so it shall manifest, sooner or later. Your beliefs cause you to image the opposite. In some of your nighttime dreams, a few that you remember you live the opposite, you are a grand specimin of courage, confidence, success, and quite the social butterfly ! These dreams are theraputic and meant to counteract the barrage of destructive, rather anti productive thoughts from the awake personality.

Now, here you do not need to learn to cope, by listening to the misery of those in your shoes, here you need to learn to overcome, living in your shoes. Easier said than done when every bone in your body tells you to withdraw and sleep!

It is your thinking, not your stuttering and uncomfortable feelings, that stops you, for people through history with much worse conditions have triumphed and so can you. You were just conditioned the opposite way and thus spent many years deliberating internally how you should fail if any attempts are made to live !

That is your issue, these are beliefs now, about your life, they are not facts of life itself, you see.

Seek help to strengthen your will, your determination, to understand that you are capable, loved, and a valid part of this earth. You have contributions to make, to be helpful to others in your same shoes, to teach people like you who hide in the shadow to come out ! That they have meaning and can live life to the fullest !

By overcoming the obstacles to your condition the heavens will fly open with grand song and salute you, for you have then done what you came here to do.

You must first see your beliefs as false even in the face of physical conditions (showing you the opposite). Physical reality is the grand illusion and shows you what is in your mind, it does not exist outside of yourself. You create it !

Spend time each day dreaming/thinking/desiring/demanding...the life you wish, play with it for a while ignoring the physical conditions around you. And I tell you in time, it shall come to pass. Now it does no good to say one thing and believe another, and so you will not at the beginning feel you are lieing to yourself, but rather playing with a new idea, as you would play a game. "For some time each day i will play a game, dreaming of the perfect life i desire, down to each detail ! Should after some time it not work out, i have lost nothing!"

That for you, is the light and the way.

You are deeply loved, feel it.

That is all I have for you.

06-10-2014, 10:48 AM
Thank you for your response. More than I expected.

06-10-2014, 03:40 PM
I can relate in the sense that I get overwhelmed when thinking about my responsibilities. I can't have too many things planned around the same time or i'll start to get very anxious which can lead to me snapping. I start college in september and i'm also going to be keeping my part time job so i'm worried for that. It scares me to think about the future because it's not all fun and games anymore like it was when I was younger. Also, I get lazy and i'm very unconfident so sometimes it's hard to push myself to hangout with friends.

I haven't been diagnosed with anything yet because i'm putting off seeing a doctor (i'm nervous) but i'm pretty sure i've got OCD and possibly ADHD... I can't focus well at all but that could possibly be from my mind always racing with anxiety. You aren't alone!!

Welcome to the forum and hopefully you can find some great tools & tips here. There's a lot of great people that are here to help you. See you around :D