View Full Version : Anyone elses anxiety get worse after they eat?

Michael Voss
06-03-2014, 07:47 PM
After I eat is when my anxiety begins. I don't think I have an eating disorder because I love to eat. I get brain fog, zaps, feel weak headed, can barely move, fearful of walking, feel frozen all day long. Been to emergency room they said I was dehydrated. Is this due to anxiety? Even if its not heavy sugar foods. I feel weird and like I'm going crazy all day long. I can barely drive and even at that not too far before i get scared and have to turn around. I need to use the bathroom a lot throughout the day and when I do I feel better. I can't walk far. I can't think of anything I'm anxious about, so im pretty sure this is brain chemistry. I used to play with pheromones, if anyone knows about that...

Basically I just live in a constant state of fear all day long. Xanex sometimes makes it less severe and at times it goes completely away but never for long.

Does anyone relate to this: I sometimes feel confused about what people are saying and I just space out in the conversation and dont know what theyre saying and then i get scared because i wonder why i cant think clearly or process what theyre saying. Sometimes I feel like I don't even know or feel connected to people that are close to me and I wonder why theyre with me. I know who they are but I don't FEEL like I know them..

Every dr says its nothing medically wrong but could something be wrong with my brain? Could I have some hard to detect thing that is medically wrong with me and has to do with dehydration? Why do I get dehydrated so easily? I drink water all day and the minute I do I have to go pee it out and then i'm just more thirsty.

How common is sudden death in these things? Am I likely to go crazy?

06-03-2014, 08:59 PM
Well, something is going on with you, and it's more than just your feeling bad after you eat. If you are living in a state of fear all day long, it's time to get some help. Talk with someone, a family doctor, a counselor ,and get the ball rolling. You need to manage your anxiety.

06-04-2014, 07:34 PM
Hi, i joined this forum to answer this. I'm not a doctor, nor am I trying to diagnose you but I wanted to maybe suggest something.
My bad anxiety issues started about 7 years ago. I got to the point where after 90% of my meals I felt noticeably worse. I was panicking all the time, didn't want to drive ever, thought I was going crazy, thought I was gonna die "right this very second", I would get randomly elevated heart rate or palpitations. I tried meds but they only worked sometimes and it would get every side effect you possible. There was so many things wrong, I can't even remember half of it. All tests came back fine... I would always get the same thing... Nothing wrong.. It's all in your head... Long story short, I found a doctor who believed me and I was finally diagnosed with celiac disease. I'm very grateful for that doctor.

A year strictly gluten free and things are much much better. It got worse at first (if that's possible) and took a long time before I noticed improvements, but I now don't suffer from most of the odd head sensations are gone along with numerous other symptoms. I am still left with a full blown anxiety disorder from years of people not believing me but I am now finally getting hopeful that I might be able to successfully over come that some day.

This might not be the case for you, but maybe it's worth experimenting with what you're eating. I know I felt everything you listed and then some... I never had any of the digestive issues that are normally associated with celiac so that's why no one ever suspected it.

06-05-2014, 05:25 PM
I have bad Acid Reflux and sometimes the symptoms from anxiety and the acid are very similar. So yes after meals sometimes I feel very uncomfortable.

Anxiety - Fast heart beat, heavy chest, hard to breath.

Acid - Heavy Chest, Hard to breath

When these 2 come on it gets confusing and sometimes I get a little panic attack. Again though I realize its probably an acid reflux attack and then things settle after my meal settles.