View Full Version : Chest pains

05-31-2014, 11:13 AM
Hi all

I am having chest pains tonight and am worried that it's my heart. I have had these in the past and had them checked and my heart was fine. But I am worried it could now be something wrong. Am starting to think negative thoughts . Any advice would be really appreciated .

05-31-2014, 12:15 PM
I've had a similar experience with my chest and my head also. I was getting some chest pains and started freaking out just like you are, but they ended up going away within a few days. You could have acid reflux or gas cramps mixed with your anxiety of it possibly being something worse. I think you should go back to the doctor and have them run some more tests if it doesn't improve within a week or so. This brings me to my next story with my headaches and lumps in my neck. I was getting a few headaches here and there and really thought nothing of it until cancer came across my mind (yes, I googled it). This stressed me out so much and my headaches got a lot worse, I was feeling sick and I was having a hard time sleeping. I was convinced I was going to be diagnosed with leukemia or lymphoma or some other terminal illness. I started watching youtube videos of others with cancer and their stories. I started to wonder what i'd look like with my head shaved. I was honestly preparing for the worst. I ended up going to the doctors and she sent me for an ultrasound of my neck to see what the lumps were and recommended some advil for my headaches until my results came back. That whole week I had to wait was very painful and terrifying, but when I had my follow up appointment, the lumps turned out to be benign and within a day my headaches went away. It was my anxiety giving me all these crazy symptoms. So to make that long story short, sometimes just going to the doctor and being told you're fine by a professional is one of the only things that can make your symptoms go away. Hang in there :)

PS: If your chest pains do turn out to be nothing, I recommend bringing up anxiety to your doctor if you haven't done so already

05-31-2014, 01:07 PM
It's a scare when the chest hurts but 99% of the time it turns out to be nothing. We get so dang much info off of the television and other media about heart attacks and heart disease that one little pain in the chest and we instantly think heart attack, i do it alot but not as much as i used to. I always have an aspirin if i have a chest pain that won't go away or can't be explained.

05-31-2014, 02:48 PM

Over the last few months I've suffered with pains all around my chest and going down my left arm and down my sides which really worried me. I saw my doctor and did lots of tests etc and it's all just because of my anxiety. It's a physical symptom for me and I'm on medication to relax my muscles which if I don't take then the pains get a lot worse but always consider that chest pains could be a consequence of anxiety. Try to work out when you have them and if they get worse when you worry about them because if that's the case then it will probably be the anxiety.
Hope this helps, try to not think the worst although I know it's difficult but you've had checks that were all positive just try to keep that in mind.