View Full Version : Damnit damnit damnit damnit damnit

05-26-2014, 10:33 PM
My parents are feeble, alcoholic, needy beings and it makes me so mad sometimes. There's always something wrong with one of them....usually unexpectedly (as ironic as that is). From some physical emergency to my mom expecting that I feed her. I'm 22. She's 58. She's perfectly capable of taking care of herself, but my guilt forces me to enable them. I have no energy to help them, yet I keep at it. I feel obligated. I wish I had stable, independent parents who didn't rely on me so much. I'm too young to already be taking care of them....I've been taking care of them all my life because they abuse themselves with alcohol and cigarettes chronically. Why can't they just hold their own and let me be happy? I am NOT selfish. I've spent my whole life catering to them, worrying about them, dealing with them and their alcoholism...their mental and emotional abuse...their instability. I'm going nuts.

05-26-2014, 11:13 PM
I seriously need to join a new forum. LOL

05-26-2014, 11:32 PM
Janey, hang in there girl. You don't need to go anywhere!! I can honestly say that would be an awful position to be in. Or Situation...whatever. Lol. That's a lot for someone as young as you to take on. My father was a chronic alcoholic, and my mom had her thing with pills. Having one messed up parent sucks bad enough, much less two!! Right?? My parents are both gone now, but I know a little bit of what you feel. They're suppose to be helping you, in this crazy a-- world, not the other way around. I'm NOT saying you're not suppose to be of ANY help to you're parents at your age, but taking care of them, as you describe, and I'm very familiar with too, is not What's Up at all. I want to tell you, if it's hurting you this much, to distance yourself from them. But their your parents, and I honestly don't know if that's the right advice or not. But I do care, and I'm sorry you're going through this. There's only so much YOU can handle too though. You have to take care of you too Janey, and this is obviously not doing you a favor in any way. Hang in there. Just wanted to show my support, and let you know I care. D.

05-26-2014, 11:51 PM
Hey Dorrie!!

Damn, I'm sorry to hear that Janey :-/

05-27-2014, 03:51 PM
Hey back to ya Jessed!! Missed chattin with ya. Janey, just wanted to see how you are doing today?? Didn't hear back from you. You ok? Dorrie

05-27-2014, 08:23 PM
Janey? Jessup? It's me, Ricky 3 unless it's been too long for you to remember me. Some stuff happenned to me, OK now, have looked for you in Chat. Janey, I had no idea you were going through this, sweet girl. Let's meet up in chat soon.

05-28-2014, 09:32 AM
RICKY!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!! Of COURSE I remember you!!! Kitty cats, kids outside of your home abusing trees, your best friend and her daughter...she drew you a picture and you put it on your fridge (I think it had something to do with an angel?). You like vodka and sparking water, I think. Yah...I remember you. :)

@Dorrie Thank you. <33 I'm sorry I haven't gotten back to you. You won't believe it...Daddy had to go to the ER yesterday. He has meningitis symptoms and they had to do a spinal tap and all sorts of tests. Thank you for your support...I know it's not the first time you've responded to me. I'm sorry that you know what it's like, too. You're always such a nice person to me. :) :)

05-28-2014, 10:58 AM
RICKY!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!! Of COURSE I remember you!!! Kitty cats, kids outside of your home abusing trees, your best friend and her daughter...she drew you a picture and you put it on your fridge (I think it had something to do with an angel?). You like vodka and sparking water, I think. Yah...I remember you. :)

@Dorrie Thank you. <33 I'm sorry I haven't gotten back to you. You won't believe it...Daddy had to go to the ER yesterday. He has meningitis symptoms and they had to do a spinal tap and all sorts of tests. Thank you for your support...I know it's not the first time you've responded to me. I'm sorry that you know what it's like, too. You're always such a nice person to me. :) :)

Well, hon, I'm nice to people who are nice TO ME TOO. I'm so glad to hear back from you. I was concerned. Of course I'm going to be nice to you. You're human, just like us. You have a heart, and just because you can be a bit rebellious at times, lol. lol. lol. I'm just playing with you.... smile. You can be a bit rebellious, but I still like you, and I do care!!! Don't feel sorry for me girl. It turned out good in the end. The last five yrs. of his life, my dad quit drinking and we became friends. Same with my mom. Hopefully this will happen for you too. I'm always here, if you need to talk. I'm not just saying that. Everyone needs someone to talk to. PQ me anytime. Take care you!!! Dorrie

06-01-2014, 10:03 AM
Hey Janey, Just checking in on you, seeing how you are. I hope you are having an okay weekend. Take care, D.