View Full Version : Advice anyone? Help sinus & anxiety

05-25-2014, 07:56 AM
I all I havnt been on here in a while. My anxiety is sky high and I have Sinusitis at the moment and it's FREAKING me out. I've a dreadful fear of getting dizzy and although my ears are find my head feels wobbly.
Any help or advice I'm so scared

05-27-2014, 09:00 PM
It's OK. Really. I undertand the fear of dizziness but sinus stuff is a whole different and very benign animal. Sinusitis will cause some very minor inflammation in your inner ears. This is expected and in no way dangerous. That bit of inflammation (that will subside as your sinusitus does) is not in any way an indication of any other disease process. I've never known anyone, including myself years ago, with anxiety who didn't or doesn't fear dizziness. We anxious souls are wired that way. But you are in the clear here. You are OK, I promise.

05-27-2014, 09:09 PM
Hi Ricky, thanks so much for that really nice reply. It is really very much appreciated and very kind of you. Im kinda speechless at how well u nailed it I mean thats the first time in so long someone has actually "got it" if you know what I mean. I used to the stock answers of "Ur fine there is nothing wrong with etcetc" from family.So thank you again.

05-28-2014, 07:21 AM
I all I havnt been on here in a while. My anxiety is sky high and I have Sinusitis at the moment and it's FREAKING me out. I've a dreadful fear of getting dizzy and although my ears are find my head feels wobbly.
Any help or advice I'm so scared

Left alone, the body always returns to what you would call normal. The body therefor is highly cooperative. You may delay that process just a bit by freaking out.

If you've got nothing to do, relax, sleep (your body can correct itself, while your destructive thoughts are at bay), eat some comfort food and rest until the symptoms ease.

Listen, anxiety (panic) always includes some basic mistrust of the body and its ability to function, believing in its feeble nature and ability to attack you on its own is your false belief that needs to be examined.

Others who read this post should take note as well.