View Full Version : What helps you overcome your anxiety?

05-23-2014, 08:38 AM
I've been diagnosed with panic attacks and OCD, and I have been having some difficulty trying to cope with my anxiety lately. I am currently taking Buspar as well as going to a shrink. I am also going to this thing called the anxiety clinic and it's supposed to teach us about our problem and how to deal with it. I realize that I can be impatient and expect unrealistic results of myself in regards to getting better, but it feels like I'm not really making any progress.

I guess I am just curious, what helps you guys calm down. And to follow that up, how are you able to gauge that you are getting any better?

05-23-2014, 09:41 AM
How much Buspar do you take?

05-23-2014, 10:15 AM
I ask that because maybe you can increase the Buspar a little bit for more help.