View Full Version : How to overcome frightening past experiences

05-20-2014, 12:05 PM
Hi all

I'm pretty new to this and looking for help and advice from others who have had similar experiences.

When I was younger about 11 years ago I had a panic attack and had all the scary symptoms that normally come with a panic attack. It happened and i didn't understand what happened at the time and slowly over the months stopped being anxious and didn't think about it.

4 years ago work got too much for me and I had a breakdown. I went to a counsellor and she said that it's probably all linked as I never dealt with the original panic attack.

I still worry about the panic attack all day everyday and I'm constantly afraid of it happenings again. I've tried loads of things and have had loads of counselling but it's still a big worry and something I can't let go off.

Is there anyone else who have had similar experiences and how did you move on from frightening experiences you've had?

Any help or advice would be great!

05-20-2014, 01:28 PM
Same thing happened to me. Work got too much (two men before me couldn't do the job but somehow I pushed myself to do it).
Anyway, nothing that bad ever happened to me again, but I did learn that I have an anxiety problem that I just don't ignore. For example, no more over-the-top stressful jobs, eating right, trying to exercise/walk as much as possible. Try to keep yourself from getting overly stressed. Another option for you might be to check with a therapist and if he/she agrees you could think of something that makes you anxious and take someone with you and just do it. then you can say to yourself, "well, I just survived this so if something comes up later, I'll survive that too". keep reading all of these posts on this forum Read as many as you can. They are so helpful! People will discuss from time to time how they deal with panic attacks and you can say, "well, if they survived, I can to".

05-21-2014, 12:42 PM
Hey thanks for the reply,

It's something that I think about everyday and am looking for ways to better deal with the previous experiences. I've been doing a lot of meditation lately and think this is sort of stirring up all the past which doesn't help me for work cause work is the one place where I find I'm most anxious.