View Full Version : My first night attack?

05-15-2014, 09:24 AM
Been an anxiety sufferer for months now and my symptoms are constantly changing. So when they change, I use this forum as a guide.

I randomly woke up at 3 am this morning feeling weak, shaky and sick so i got up and ate a spoon of peanut butter just in case it was low sugar. Still felt the same when i crawled back in bed. As I'm waiting to feel better I got freezing cold and could not get warm! This went on for about an hour or so.

Has anyone else been cold like that?
Also another new symptom i find that occasionally my heart will have abnormal rhythm. 1234...5...6...78910. 1..2..3..456...7..8 for example And repeat

I've passed all the tests. Blood, thyroid, ekg, stress test. Most recent blood tests were done in Feb. I've read about anxiety hot flashes. I've had that but never been freezing. Dealing with the recovery this morning bleh

05-15-2014, 10:00 AM
Panic attack will do some pretty crazy stuff and the heart is one of the ones that It gets first. I think when you first notice it then you focus/fixate on how your heart is pounding or beating it makes it worse.

How are you feeling today?

05-15-2014, 10:16 AM
Feeling pretty rough today. No appetite or energy, upset belly and weak when I stand. It's been a while since I've had a bad anxiety attack. It didn't take long to remember how sucky the aftermath is. Thanks for the reply John :) I'd be stuck freaking myself out on webmd if it wasn't for this site lol

05-15-2014, 10:51 AM
LOL, I know all about that webmd thing. It's not really the best thing to do ( webmd ) but I think we all do it. Heck I can talk myself into having a rare disease that only effects people living south of the equator and in a tree house made of a certain type of wood only found in remote jungle that was harvested on a Sunday during a full moon. I think you know where I am going with this, lol. The mind is so powerful but yet we know so little about it.
Good luck Evanchic, Let me know how it's going and never hesitate to ask a question. Hope ya feel better soon.