View Full Version : Really need to hear about results please

05-11-2014, 07:27 AM
So I wake up worrying and have completely lost the ability to live in the moment. Thoughts about everything bad that could possibly happen swirl around my head constantly. Is this what it's like for all of you? I need to hear some stories about meds that worked and stopped this endless cycle of worry while still being able to focus and work at a difficult job. I really need to hear some good stuff.

05-11-2014, 10:18 AM
Paxil has saved me! & counseling :)

05-11-2014, 10:20 AM
Well, the Lexapro I take has literally saved my life. When I got off of it in March, things were so dark and bleak and I was scared I could no longer keep living. It was so awful. My anxiety was totally out of control. Sad to say, I was unable to even function. I called a friend at 1am and went to her house, crying my heart out . She didn't think I needed the medication, but when she saw me, she knew, I need it. I started taking the Lexapro again, and now I'm back to being "myself" again. I'm not angry and lashing out at people any more. I don't feel hopeless any more. On Saturday I went to my mom's house and cleaned it for Mother's day and I bought my mom two new outfits. I'm so much better. I asked me doctor to give me the medication with the LEAST side effects and he gave me Lexapro.

05-11-2014, 10:28 AM
Thanks ladies! I really desperately need to hear that there is hope.

05-11-2014, 10:28 AM
I'm on Lexapro and Remeron, but i made an error, as my mood got better i went off the meds and i crashed rock bottom. So went back to the Pdoc to get another script and put me back on the meds, its been 2 weeks now.. and I'm feeling a little better on the mood front.