View Full Version : terrified!! near enough in tears!

05-07-2014, 05:25 PM
I'm currently lying in bed freaking out & panicing!! I was bending my neck & my fingertips started tingling every time i put my chin down. I googled it & it came up -

L'Hermitte's sign describes electrical buzzing sensations in the limbs and body brought on by movement of the neck. These sensations are known as paraesthesia and include tingling, buzzing, electrical shocks, partial numbness and sharp pains. L'Hermitte's is most often triggered by lowering the head so that the chin touches the chest. The sensations usually only last for a second or two. It has been called the "barber shop" symptom because it is often evoked when the hairdresser asks you to lower your head when he or she shaves the back of your neck.

L'Hermitte's is associated with a number of conditions including arthritis, cervical spondylosis, disc compression, pernicious anaemia, tumours and multiple sclerosis. In many cases, the cause cannot be found.

Because the cervical spinal cord is a frequent target for multiple sclerosis it is a very common symptom of MS. Aproximately two thirds of people with multiple sclerosis experience L'Hermitte's symptom at some point during the course of their disease.

In MS, L'Hermitte's is an indicator of lesions in the cervical spine (the part of spine in the neck). Movement of the neck causes the damaged nerves (the demyelinated neurons) to be stretched and send erroneous signals. The symptoms can occur anywhere below the neck and many people with MS find that it moves around their body from one day to the next.

I am now totally freaked out about this & nearly in tears!! Anyone ever had anything like this?

05-07-2014, 05:47 PM

Let's just take it back a step or two!

Think what your symptoms are, and what you have brought up on google!

For example if you google nausea (this is 1 of MANY symptoms of stomach cancer) AND stomach acid, stress IBS, dehydration....and so on.

Heart flutters - google suggests "heart attack"....common causes are anxiety, eating too quickly, heat etc etc....

The nerves in the neck are connected through the spine to control motor function in the hands and fingers, one gets pinched or pressure from swollen glands (from a common cold), and you WILL get temporary pins/needles/electric shock sensations in the fingers when you look down.

The condition you have googled relates to persistent chronic conditions that affect the same nerves (compressing) it.

If you had something serious such as MS you would have a whole subset of other very noticeable issues way greater than tingling fingers from putting your chin down.

THE likely cause of the pressure on the nerve could be swollen glands from your cold OR you may have a trapped/pinched a nerve (this could be causing the stiff neck).

Spondylosis, herniated discs and arthritis would give you agonising pain over long periods of time, before they resulted in any kind damage to the nerves (you would have already been to the doctors about this for some time now).

There is NO need to freak out!

05-07-2014, 06:07 PM

Let's just take it back a step or two!

Think what your symptoms are, and what you have brought up on google!

For example if you google nausea (this is 1 of MANY symptoms of stomach cancer) AND stomach acid, stress IBS, dehydration....and so on.

Heart flutters - google suggests "heart attack"....common causes are anxiety, eating too quickly, heat etc etc....

The nerves in the neck are connected through the spine to control motor function in the hands and fingers, one gets pinched or pressure from swollen glands (from a common cold), and you WILL get temporary pins/needles/electric shock sensations in the fingers when you look down.

The condition you have googled relates to persistent chronic conditions that affect the same nerves (compressing) it.

If you had something serious such as MS you would have a whole subset of other very noticeable issues way greater than tingling fingers from putting your chin down.

THE likely cause of the pressure on the nerve could be swollen glands from your cold OR you may have a trapped/pinched a nerve (this could be causing the stiff neck).

Spondylosis, herniated discs and arthritis would give you agonising pain over long periods of time, before they resulted in any kind damage to the nerves (you would have already been to the doctors about this for some time now).

There is NO need to freak out!

Thank you so much for your reply. I'm going to the docs tomorrow anyway so i might aswell ask. My dad & uncle have spondylosis & i know how much pain they're in at times. I hope i'm just freaking out & nothing more to it.. i'll let you know how i get on.

05-07-2014, 06:09 PM
Chase up the CBT referral as well!

It's incredibly effective for health anxiety!