View Full Version : Throat tightness coz of anxiety ..how to deal with it...??

05-06-2014, 08:11 AM
Hey all...

These days even going out seems a bit difficult coz of anxiety.. So whenever I am anxious, my throat feels a bit tight and this is when i feel cant breath...and then panic becomes bad... So how to deal with this kind of throat tightness.???

Are there any tips or anything that I can do to reduce it..? Does anyone else feel the same..coz i know this is a common symptom of anxiety...

Hoping to fine any tips coz whenever my throat feels tight, it worries me a lot and then my anxiety kicks in....

Best Regards...

05-07-2014, 02:31 AM
No one..?? No tips :(

05-07-2014, 08:47 AM
This is a common complaint, certainly something you are not alone in experiencing.

No one truly understands what causes it, but it's thought that the tension created during anxiety (posture changes, with a tendency to tighten the shoulders, arms and chest), also impacts on the neck muscles, causing the sensation of tightness (some people explain this as a sensation of strangulation/smothering). Others report the feeling of having a blockage/lump in the throat with difficulty swallowing and breathing.

Other than trying to stretch the neck and shoulders in rotation (like winding down from a work out), there are really no (that I am aware of) tips to directly ease the feelings in the throat.

I would suggest using the techniques relating to managing the initial feelings of anxiety that cause the subsequent symptoms in the throat, that will help you manage it.

Have a look around at the numerous threads on the forum there are several discussions ranging from dietary supplements/meditation to psychoactive medication and therapy.

Best of luck

05-08-2014, 02:51 AM
Thank you so much for ur reply.I feel the lump sort of thing in throat .... I guess i just have to deal with it and shud learn to overcome these initial symptoms from within. Hope i get over these soon. I'll try to look around the forum for any further tips to deal with it..

If anyone feels the same do share ur positive experience how u deal with it..